this is a fantastic forum

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Thanks to admin/mods who decided to keep this forum going when things were "rocky" a few months back - and we argued about thumbs.

    I believe that, never more than now, in Australia's history, the average citizen must have a voice! Not many of us, truje, but we all have families and relatives - we must recruit and fight this ghastly government and this deadly Carbon Tax madness.

    My worry is - assuming all on here are not teenagers - HOW do the young ever get the message! They are still in starry-eyed "let's save the wombats" mode. Lovely kids - but no clue.

    And from my own family experience, they actually think they're doing the world a favor by voting Green. And it makes them feel all warm, fuzzy, And daring and different.
    and even "fashionable and trendy".

    Of course there ae Grfeens voers who are protesting. Why not, then, not vote. Just turn up.

    That was then. Whether or not these "kids" are now a wake-up to the realities is doubtful, as after all how many of them follow politics - or know that thinking deeply and knowing the ramifications of the issues and policies is so crucial to the choice of our future votes and our influence on Australia's future. and, of course, there are legions of teahcers and tutors who belong to the Far Left camp who brainwash the kids on their way through the education systems.

    Gillard has now gone into full arrogance mode - she is now
    really looking, acting, and sounding like a real Dictator - and will broach no opposite vews. If she does get them she sneers and smears. She has the most unattractive, cloying persona. a giggle and a pat on the back is her modus operandi. The schemer.

    She is tramping on us with her boots by pulling this awful swindle on us - will announce this on the Sunday after Parliament rises. And on ABC free time - which we pay for. COWARD!
    With no right of reply or assessment by any panel - just straight out Leftist propaganda which Labor gets for free - on the taxpayer bill. Russia/communist China tactics come to mind. SHE has set up this scandulous farce! We, and the Opposition, get absolutely no right of reply. Or analysis.

    Is she the woman to take us into the future?

    Absolutely not! She's a disaster - yet we're stuck with her.

    Any ideas?

    Now she asks Abbott to apologise for saying petrol going up. Arrogance!
    What about petrol suppliers - trucks, buses, refineries, hospitals, medical treatements, schools. These will have costs which have to be paid and passed on to consumers.

    This may sound melodramatic - but we are now hearing talk-back callers who are very frightened - and soe who are going into actual depreession over worry about what will becoe of the, their families, their finances, and their jobs.

    Above all - does Gillard show the slightest glint of "love" or "affection" for "her" people - absolutely not! She is hard-faced - and cold hearted.

    We have to bring her down. How!!!

    At least, everyone, write to your local member and protest!!
    And whilst you're at it - write to Windsor and Oakeshott and Wilkie too. BE POLITE - But tell them what you really think.

    Why does Gillard NEVER answer question?? She avoids the question and goes off on some tangent. Now she gets a free ride on ABC!
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