the whole stock market is a joke, page-5

  1. 927 Posts.
    My perspective might be different to you guys as I mentioned many times I sit in London and take an avid interest in the financial press.

    The UK is very much hit hard in recent years and things are way worse than is reported.

    Inflation is very high, much higher than the 4.5% the government stats claim.
    There is no jobs growth, the high street is shutting down.
    Our cost of living has risen dramatically due to the crash in the pound and we are getting taxed to death
    House prices are stagnate though out of the reach of sensible people while the government inflates our wealth into oblivion creating the illusion we can afford things again

    I nearly fell off my chair when I read Bernanke mooting QE3 yesterday. Do our elite not have any more creative approaches?

    Quite simply there is no jobs growth or economic growth here or in the USA because our jobs have all been offshored and the bloated government sector is taxing us to death. We can just make bills and there is no money left to spend and therefore why should the economy recover.

    We all secretly know this and yet the markets bounce this morning. Not because there is any hope of recovery - only because we know a huge flood of heroin in the form of QE is on the way to keep the terminally ill patient breathing for a little longer.

    No-on cares about reality. We are just going to pile back into the cas for a final fling and hopefully get the timing right and fatten up the bank account (or gold stash) until the whole sorry edifice atomises into individual molecules and goes flushing through the grates in the road into the sewer.
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