ominous signs, page-16

  1. 4,045 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    To be fair RM may have meant that post to be humerous, and sometimes humour is missed when written down.

    The point of seer's OP is that long term, rusted on, bedrock ALP voters are turning to the Coalition in favour of the ALP/Greens, and it's what I've been saying for some time.

    There's a big difference between actual jobs, and unemployment figures, and the ALP hides behind the unemployment figures and doesn't care about the actual worker and his job, instead they pander to the latte sipping minorities.

    But these workers vote, as do their parents and possibly grandparents. The 92 year old mentioned in the OP might have a grandson working at BSL or OST, or in a marginal coal mine.

    IMO the ALP is going down the gurgler, and the only way to halt this is to burn the Silly Greens. Some ALP back benchers have already said they won't be preferencing the Greens next time. The ALP needs to find the guts to take the CO2 tax to an election, it's their only hope.

    They've relied on latte sipping minorities since Whitlam, but when the minorities have too much leverage and start calling the shots, you have to end it. Let's see if they realise it before it's too late.

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