monckton wipes the floor with dennis, page-113

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    I implore everyone with any sense of fairness to download and watch/listen to the whole Monckton/Denniss debate from yesterday, 19/7/11. Long, but well worth the effort. Of course not all saw it live - and there was ZILCH on TV about it last night!! Millions probably missed the best anyitically informate speech ever on GW.

    I thank Ben for putting up the link for all our benefits.

    I also ask you all to forward on the link to anyone on your mail list you feel would be interested.

    And thanks to HC for making this possible.

    Monckton at his brilliant best - I find it - him - compelling - and this was a great moment in the midst of all the fog and mist of the big GW PC boogey-man hysteria of "we will fry".

    Wish he could debate Gillard and Brown on TV - imagine the TV ratings - they'd be through the roof!! Great lost opportunity there chaps - in your ratings races - and your kow-towing to the reigning Labor/Left co-Prime Ministers, those who are spending all that advertising loot with you.
    Keep Labor happy at all costs - they pay to advertise!

    Shut up Monckton at all costs!! So the media comply!

    So much for free speech!

    Totalitarianism wins!
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