nbn up to $190 a month, page-11

  1. 2,734 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 94
    bwahahhhhaahhh the NBN finally lifts its skirts (at least a bit) and it is commercially unviable already.

    I am a top end user of internet services, running a fund management company with multiple phone lines, 8mb ADSL (best I can get in the area) and 300gb of download (which I cant use). My phone bills are around $200 a month which is the best deal I can get in the market.

    The NBN is more expensive than my current setup, and I dont have to deal with a government monopoly who has lousy customer service (ever tried dealing with the ATO or medicare?), offers slightly faster internet but the same download limits, within a network that I know is being eavesdropped on by our glorious government, and on a system that actively discourages competition. What a dogs breakfast.

    Conroy is quite simply, a liar. He has obfuscated on costs, clammed up when asked for any real detail, and consistently claimed that the service is going to be better for all. Well the average aussie wouldnt pay $2400 a year for phone and internet services and he expects the NBN to be free. Add to that charges for the connection to home and you have a classic telstra-style consumer ripoff. This is going to end up in a world of pain for the government of the day who has to deal with consumers.

    Turnbull has been dragging his feet on this and not doing his job in discrediting that liar Conroy - well now he has a ton of ammo to use and should be going for the jugular.

    At these prices, I would only move to the NBN if my ADSL provider was cut off and I dont think that is about to happen to iinet.

    NBN - FAIL
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