CSK 0.00% 37.0¢ crowdspark ltd

david thodey, and deena shiff email, page-32

  1. 2,472 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    Hi Tigerted, I have read many if not all of your posts from the last 6 months and with your background, which Im thinking is banking, with a touch of investment banking, I am interested to hear your thoughts on a frequently hammered question regarding the terms of a pie telstra deal/deployment?
    It is easy to see pie don't have the funds to cover a major deployment of their web phones, in your experience, what do you expect to be the likely/best outcome for the share holders if the Ann is positive?

    I guess what I am trying to figure out is, what is the likely dilution of the current sp?
    And if there is a chance of minimal to no dilution, ie, a joint venture or partnership, do you think this would be beneficial for the share holders?

    Really appreciate any help here coz this is another area I am not to schooled on!...!
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Currently unlisted public company.

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