australia quickly losing face?, page-2

  1. 930 Posts.
    This is the politically correct drivel that is supposed to pass as intellectual logic...ROFLMAO.

    They are no more than pompous ass power freaks who believe it is their god-given right to think for the unwashed ignorant masses.
    In truth , they are 21st century version of the old communist Cadres, the political officer whos job was to enforce,cajole, threaten and control the peasants to conform to their perverted authority of their own beliefs.
    They were the book burners in Nazi Germany
    they were the mullahs of the Taliban.

    Bllody arrogance , ..i know 3 professors , and theyre all dumb as dogsh!t when it comes to living in the real world, Ive heard wiser comments from a bunch of brickies, ..bum cracks hanging out and all.

    well, it's up the parents of the kids, pull them out of those centres. Theyll get no education there, only brainwashing.
    If these intellectual elites treat all their students like idiots, then that what we'll get , a whole crop of educated idiots incapable of independent thought.

    Bloody incredible.

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