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wikileaks flash: us gold rigging - china knows

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    "FLASH: China knows about gold price suppression, and U.S. knows China knows

    Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2011-09-03 23:59.
    Section: Daily Dispatches

    6:47p ET Saturday, September 3, 2011

    Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

    China knows that the U.S. government and its allies in Western Europe strive to suppress the price of gold, and the U.S. government knows that China knows, according to a 2009 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing to the State Department in Washington.

    The cable, published in the latest batch of U.S. State Department cables obtained by Wikileaks, summarizes several commentaries in Chinese news media on April 28, 2009. One of those commentaries is attributed to the Chinese newspaper Shijie Xinwenbao (World News Journal), published by the Chinese government's foreign radio service, China Radio International. The cable's summary reads:

    "According to China's National Foreign Exchanges Administration, China's gold reserves have recently increased. Currently, the majority of its gold reserves have been located in the United States and European countries. The U.S. and Europe have always suppressed the rising price of gold. They intend to weaken gold's function as an international reserve currency. They don't want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the U.S. dollar or euro. Therefore, suppressing the price of gold is very beneficial for the U.S. in maintaining the U.S. dollar's role as the international reserve currency. China's increased gold reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries toward reserving more gold. Large gold reserves are also beneficial in promoting the internationalization of the renminbi."

    It's hard to believe that, two years later, China is still leaving so much of its gold with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Bank of England when even little Venezuela has publicly figured out the gold price suppression component of the Western fractional reserve banking system and is attempting to repatriate its gold from the Bank of England and various Western bullion banks:

    It is already a matter of record that China dissembled about its gold reserves for the six years prior to the public recalculation of its gold reserves in April 2009 that prompted the commentary in Shijie Xinwenbao. At that time China announced that its gold reserves were not the 600 tonnes it had been reporting each year for the previous six years but rather 76 percent more, 1,054 tonnes:

    ZeroHedge, which seems to have broken the story of the Beijing embassy cable this evening, comments:

    "Wondering why gold at $1,850 is cheap, or why gold at double that price will also be cheap, or, frankly, at any price? Because, as the following leaked cable explains, gold is, to China at least, nothing but the opportunity cost of destroying the dollar's reserve status. Putting that into dollar terms is, therefore, impractical at best and illogical at worst. We have a suspicion that the following cable from the U.S. embassy in China is about to go not viral but very much global, and prompt all those mutual fund managers who are on the golden sidelines to dip a toe in the 24-karat pool."

    The ZeroHedge commentary can be found here:

    In addition to fund managers throughout the world, this cable may be of special interest to the gold bears CPM Group Managing Director Jeff Christian, who says he consults with most central banks and that they hardly ever think about gold, and Kitco senior analyst Jon Nadler, who insists that central banks have no interest whatsover in manipulating the gold price.

    In fact, of course, gold remains the secret knowledge of the financial universe, and its price is actually the determinant of every other price and value in the world.

    The Beijing embassy cable can be found here:

    And, just in case, at GATA's Internet site here:

    CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc."

    The full GATA article above is at

    My comments:

    This leak imo should serve to intensify the buying of physical gold PLUS more countries demanding the banksters return to them their gold for them to safe keep. Of course they will need to check the gold they are given isn't accidentally tungsten!

    Well ... Well... Seems we now have official information that the US rigs gold. No more a conspiracy theory. lol

    Even though a number of posters even here have still been accusing me and others of talking up a non existent conspiracy to rig and manipulate gold. Guess its them who buried their collective heads in the sand.
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