we owe it to greece, page-4

  1. 49,046 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Greece should sort itself out.

    Default on all their loans, so the banks that lent them money take the pain.

    That'll make them think twice before rorting the system again.

    The Greeks can then issue their own currency again.

    Would be nice to see the Drachma back in circulation.

    Their currency would be cheap, so tourists will flock there to get a cheap holiday, which will give the Greeks plenty of jobs and plenty of foreign currency.

    Then they can also concentrate on making internally whatever they can, and exporting whatever they can.

    They'll be OK. It's only the fatcat bankers who will lose out.

    That's why the IMF, EBC etc are cacking their pants. They don't want everyone to wake up and realise they're being milked by the world's central banks.

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