9/11 debunked, page-22

  1. 1,134 Posts.
    Hi grounzero, nice name, not a Troll name or anything, your nic gives you up mate, if i was ya handler i would ah let you go, watch

    hey whats the (ground zero) term normally used for?
    like before 911? but the gov used it to refer to 911 didnt they? grounzero?

    What a load of Bollocks, oh we blew up the lab it was so powerful, we dont know chemistry and didnt expect it

    Hey groundzero it was swamp gas mate, even the fireman where not allowed to goto 10 year anniversary

    So what you are saying is with 1 truck load of Aluminium, 20 tons, someone can bring down a Steel and Concrete building of wtc magnitude? if its melted then hits water, man its a good one

    Even if you could get the 20 tons melted and deliver it to the water at the same time the explosion wouldnt affect the core

    If what you say is true, why did the buildings fall out of sequance, e.g. the 2nd building to be hit fell 1st

    20 vids watch em all

    When you apply to construct such a large structure in the usa you need to show how it will be demolished to get approved. The only feasible way to demolish these buildings into its footprint is with nuclear, 20 tons of High Explosive wouldnt do it,have a study of the buildings CORE it was Thick Cement, you need to see the photos of construction to understand the VOLUME of Cement and watch the sequence of explosions before, the dust also

    the developer presented the demolition plan that is outlined in the videos, they had to tell the Russians about it under nuke agreement


    notice photos of the wtc core when constructed

    Please reffer to this thread folks


    Good Morning Folks, so you dont believe 911 truthers, ok fine, what about bellow

    Quick rundown on my Thoughts/Concerns of late

    Hi Stan and other truthers, Just state facts dont worry about the rest, dont worry what Trolls and sheeple say, my cat dosnt need a pat on the back why do humans, if you have looked at the facts with open mind, thats what counts

    Trolls will focus on 1 thing or sidetrack, like winecolector does with the BBC article i RE:'d to Trombone,(like Trombone posted it 1st and i respond to trombone) but to know facts you need to spend time researching it.

    winecolector i was refering to the LIVE footage in the Khalezov movies, if possible Watch the Dimitry Khalezov movies he explains how they edited tv before the event, (AND MOST OTHER FACTS) Like aluminium planes cant go through thicker than tank armour steel in a BOX configuration

    he is in a position to know the facts not like most 911 truthers

    Start at 1 and go through all movies would be best


    Stan and truthers, dont bother getting angry, always remember (when i control my anger i gain might over myself)

    (you think different when not angry) take emotion out of it as its facts we want to concern with, 1500 engineers and architectural, explosives experts etc.. agree

    I know it can be annoying but all people have a right to show who they are, thats one reason we are here. All of us can be wrong at some point. I remember when i saw the 911 incident i jumped out of bed and was in a rage and when someone would not want to go and kill and destroy on a FAR wider scale i would argue with them thinking they where ignorant. I dint realise it also affects who i am as a person to think that way and how i fell into the old trap my grandfather did and go and fight for the industrialist/banksters, i nearly joined the army

    Or Like when i used to watch the G20 riots on tv i couldnt understand why they riot and thought these people are ignorant

    But it was me who was ignorant, it was a shock to me and i had the 3 stages of truth in a big way, this is a good thing

    Stan I will show you what i mean bellow, i am not angry, i am CLEAR with no confusion and they will do 1 of 3 things

    The sheeple need to go through (as we all have) :-)

    The 3 steps of TRUTH

    German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer
    stated that all truth goes
    through three steps.

    First, it is ridiculed.
    Second, it is violently opposed.
    Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.

    Don?t expect raving fans on day one.
    You?re going to have to sell your ideas.

    Most sheeple never learn more than they learn at school and what they watch on tv, they are told how grand the education is, yes its grand compared to the stone age, many wont realise until its TOO Late Mate

    Some sheeple want to stay in the dark as they are scared, its like Morpheus says do you want the Red pill or the Blue, Believe it or not they want the Blue Pill, Its no point arguing. Some even change their mind after the red pill and want to go back to sleep.

    All you Main Stream Media (MSM) Folk try and realise what we are told about other countries can also happen here, as we think it cant or wont we dont look. Try and realise the MSM Have convinced you they are the source. The all seeing eye lol

    OK SO YOU WONT BELIEVE IN 911 and think the Gov never lies

    Did you know during the great depression 6 million USA citizens starved, like in Russia. This was when most people lived on farms so will be worse next time.

    We have pissed of the farmers and now import food at a % that is dangerous, only farmers soon will be the banks or bank owned companies, and food will be safe then wont it, hey mate

    Here is one that will give the sheeple something to think about

    Truthers forget 911 below is more important

    Vaccines give you cancer, they have several viruses in them that are precursors to cancer, and chemicals that make you dumb (now i know why we got so many sheeple, its vaccines mate!) the drug companies dont want to make you better, they want to know what you do for a living and have some hocus pocus that looks expensive to do so they can charge whatever you are worth, its about money, they are listed companies with shareholders, there are many cures for cancer, best health website is naturalnews.com

    a vaccine is just a virus thats been killed so it can be safely injected to get a response from your immune system but the problem is thats not what we get now in so called vaccines

    Sheeple also think Fluoride is good for your teeth, its an active ingredient in most sedatives, the mass drugging/sedating through the water supply with Fluoride was invented in Nazi Germany for when they take new territory.

    The government really cares so much about your teeth dont they.

    Project Paperclip: we won the war but we brought all the bad things and Really Smart Guys back from the Nazi, look at the usa now

    open your eyes, maybe get a water filter so your not so fluoridated, you can also remove fluoride from your brain guys, (as it builds up in important parts) just google it, i am not being a smart i am saying get a good reverse osmosis filter, $100 on ebay get a portable one to put in the bathroom, get a few glass bottles and keep filling them as you use them. Also google: how to remove fluoride from my brain.

    Sheeple think the Gov really does care about them.

    It really makes no difference to us truthers if sheeple wake up, but we care for you as a human being, you are our countrymen being fleeced and worse, we just ask you open your mind and read as much as you can about what is going on, dont believe 1 source or that the internet is bad, i learn more from the internet in 1 week that 1 year in a class, i know a lot of bull is on the net but i am not getting my info from a few men AND THE CHAT FORUMS weed out the facts in the end, a class will even make you stop asking why, thats the point of school. We did not learn like that until 20th century. Think of a school that was outdoors with many topics and you decide what you want to learn, like ancient Greece setting but modern topics.

    Most citizens think they live in a country that is run by people that care for them, is that the historic fact though, even in North Korea they think they are right

    The tobacco industry is a scapegoat for the nuclear pollution we allow to happen, also the vaccines, and they dont even realise now the gov or industry. Think back or ask someone old enough how much cancer was around before WW2. (actually do it) Doctors had to travel far and wide to find a cancer victim then, but now if you want cancer just keep watching tv and do what they tell you. Real Milk is banned as it will save you from common ailments. The Sun is good for you, 20 mins of full body a day, lack of vitamin d is helping the soft kill

    eggs can be a big help the immune system and high cholesterol

    Google: Soft Kill

    Google: How to catch cancer

    chlorine in water turns into a gas in a hot shower, chlorine activated tri-halo-methanes and fluoride gasses

    When i control my anger i gain MIGHT over Myself

    But that dosnt mean dont defend yourself, you use clear thought to think of the best way to tackle the problem. The brain is why you are strong, hey whats the philosophers stone they have been looking everywhere for eons? you know a stone a philosopher uses but nobody can find it oh lol? starts with B

    I will be reading up on this guy he might have a good idea or 2, maybe not

    I will read many websites as wiki is MSM controlled as is tweet and book hence the constant MSM promo

    Truthers Just state fact, admit if you are wrong, keep ya head clear and dont argue with a live mob, ever.

    For my fellow truthers and others Here some info to consider:

    Get Spirulina and Moringa Oleifera powder and have with bandanna smoothy, need to get them online or i can find spirulina in some shops. Read about Moringa! and try and grow it if you live in its growth region.

    To stop Alzheimer's you need to blow the cobwebs out, i do 100 pushups a day so no problem, but all you need to do is exert so your heart is pumping fairly hard. A plague builds on certain parts of the brain, the blood flow clears it, blows out the cobwebs

    Keep fit BUT dont go overboard all we really need is just 30 min walk a day and the cob web thing once a month or less is better. So if not fit atm you dont need to push it, just get the 30 min walk and once a month or less get your blood flowing fast as seems safe AS many people go on a health kick end up damaging a knee or back.

    I am Looking into cell salts atm. looks good, anyone know?

    Eating tortured, drugged, nutrient deficient animals kept in un-natural surrounds is bad for you, its a shame i have to explain that

    1111111 the old societies familiar with soy ALWAYS FERMENT SOY for a REASON 1111111

    Growing the same crops the soil is depleted in certain nutrients so try the Spirulina and Moringa Oleifera

    For every action is an opposite reaction. This goes deeper than you think, than anyone thinks, Whats the opposite to a black hole? ha its been removed from your collective conscience (even scientists) so has the opposite to an explosion, if you dont know both actions its a problem as you only know to look at half of science

    Cold fusion is real, but has been side railed by others, an Italian guy cant get a patent but is going public with a device this year or early next, Rossi's cold fusion reactor. I have done research into it, its fairdinkum

    We are all here to improve ourselves, to evolve. its an important time to do it atm, meditation is good, control bad feelings. Understand things, dont get angry, you can get even though

    just dont get angry. Its best to educate people if you can

    Karma is true, what we do in this life affects the next

    You cant always prove something, science only sees through an institution, its blinkered

    acupuncture is real

    colloidal silver is good for you

    try and eat some raw food, dont cook everything for the enzymes

    People need 750 to 1000 mg of vitamin c a day to stop plaque buildup in veins

    google: mms1 humble

    make sure to get vitamin c 1st though

    Its now illegal to sell vitamins in the EU, you need a prescription and cant say what is good for what on labels

    co2 is a dangerous greenhouse gas and its actually at .046 not .036, concerning this, frozen gas is under pressure in the ocean, it can be released en mass if co2 gets much higher.

    I think spending the carbon tax money in Australia on sustainable energy like geothermal is best idea

    Artificial colours are from OIL

    Homogenized Milk - The fats in the milk are artificially modified to change them into smaller molecules that stay in suspension in the milk liquid (so the milk fat doesn't separate) naturalnews.com While it makes milk look better on the shelf, it's also blamed for promoting heart disease and may contribute to milk allergies. Raw milk is healthier, which is why the government had outlawed it

    (I still drink Homogenised if i have too)

    Learn more: naturalnews.com/033162_food_ingredients_chemicals.html

    A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032718_L-cysteine_commercial_bread.html

    There is a baby language, google: baby language

    Whats from belgium has a crown of 12 stars? ten heads? EU?

    HARRP computers getting near AI then loss of control of HARRP (The best computers are there) The 1st AI AND IT HAS NO viable power Shut off or remote power shut off. HARRP can make weather, earthquakes,volcanes,change DNA worldwide and worse

    The gov needs to be able to turn HARRP of remotely, several locations that the computer wont/cant know about and be able to destroy on site and remotely any power source the computer has on site

    Google: weather wars or scalar wars

    An Large asteroid is heading to earth its name is Aphophis, it will hit earth in 2029 or 2036 if its not blasted with a nuke or 2, i am NOT Joking.

    Any of these things are easy to research and i hate to say are looking to be true

    there is nothing new under the sun, we have been here before if we dont get of our buts and get a proper government that does what the people want it could start from 0 again

    Has anyone been to the usa in the last year or 2?
    Did you know they look inside babys nappy, like 2 or 3 of them

    Dont freak out, Knowledge is power, we are busy working and dont notice things as MSM dont mention it, i know

    wikileaks i am 90% sure is a psyop and trap, many other sites may or may not be ok, so i wouldnt divulge id or upload from a home computer. maybe a wireless on a new name, If wikileaks was fairdikum you wouldnt hear a thing about them on MSM

    Google: The reserve bank of Australia is a private enterprise and never been audited, mate

    The story of Freetopia
    I dont agree with the end part

    I could be wrong about this: Just musing, France could fall to Libyan and arab asylum seekers, (5th column) they would then get nukes and far worse. Gahdafi is a corned dog with how many tons of gold? and peed of with France mostly. I know your thinking it could never happen, problem is that's what the French also think. Gahdafi feels betrayed and knows not to do what is expected. He knows what is expected of him, to flee west, If i was him i would put all the cards on the table and he might, i would sneak/cross into Italy buy supplies then set-up, you can buy anything in Italy, no hurry, a large % of Libyan healthy young men are in Italy and France now. He would also have bank accounts in europe. Other friendly (but they cant admit openly) nations would help him also. Remember Important parts of England nearly fell to a few thousand unarmed hooligans, he noticed that, he is a nomad. I always think When you are going down its best to Go All Out, boots on sword swinging go for the neck kind a thing and after he seen Sadam he might or at least plant the seeds for it

    Italy and France are not allowed to stop asylum seekers its against EU law, many parts of Beautiful Italy are now Libya, just ask the Italians

    Stan, most people will get angry and think its hocus pocus but they either dont know much or are in the 3 steps of truth

    Bring it On 911 is nothing, all things mentioned above are easy to research

    Most people parrot what they see on tv with no research and thats how they vote, never heard of ANY above items i bet

    In the times ahead truthers stay calm,use YOUR brain and defend yourself, we are designed for this,trust your inner answers.

    We get what we deserve

    There is a good HUGE surprise in one of the google: recs

    In order of importance

    #1 what is the EU really about?
    #2 what about HARRP? does the gov know how to shut it off? if it goes AI?
    #3 Aphophis needs to be knocked of course before we are broke or worse lol
    #4 healthy food/water needs to be brought back or grow it
    #5 every hundred or 2hundred years we get hit by a large solar storm that can stop power to all nuke power plants at The Same Time

    Fear nothing but fear itself.
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