2 trillion euro saving deal on its way! :), page-13

  1. 1,182 Posts.
    No problems, I might be feeling sick next week when there's a little sucker rally ALLLLL the way up to 10900 points on the DOW (if even that). I don't care what deals, sugar coated solutions or short term tricks they come up with. QE3 is printing money. It's hot air. You don't get something for nothing.

    It's delaying collapse with more debt. IT's like keeping a zombie alive by feeding it brains. (A rather good allusion by some article writer on the net). We need to let it die naturally so we can have a genuine period of economic recovery fueled by REAL money backed by REAL value.

    This will just make the spectacular collapse all that more exciting to watch when it finally does happen.

    So yeah, please do enjoy next week =).

    PS. I hold stock.
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