camel cull could limit climate change, page-10

  1. 5,732 Posts.
    Sorry zonetrader, even reading through your original post and the repeat post, it still reads to me that you made a suggestion for a national tree planting day.

    But then you said: However, it seems that you have twisted the intent of my post once again. And then wrote something about my 'lack of comprehension'.

    Sorry that I got it so wrong. What I was doing was writing about what I thought was your suggestion for a national tree planting day - I wasn't commenting on the entire post (eg photosynthesis soaking up CO2 - though it's not soaking up all the excess these days, is it. More trees would help.), just the bit about the tree planting. And pointing out that Australia already has a dedicated tree planting day and has had for more than 100 years.

    (It could be that during the process of electrons zooming to my screen they rearranged themselves to appear as a suggestion for a 'national tree planting day', when actually you typed something completely different. Again, my apologies - the electrons have never misbehaved like that before. Hope it doesn't happen again.)
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