help - we need some top posts to add to the home p, page-12

  1. 7,397 Posts.
    we need some top posts to add Quote--By shane76

    Get an analyst in who has some balls and knows how to get us into a 1 center going places every once in a while and then sell subscriptions for a few measly hundred dollars every year.

    You get a six monthly hyperthetical return on about 12 shares of over 100% and you will get a few thousand subbies.
    Punters are sick of analysts and tipsters only putting them into stocks they can spell AMP-BHP-TAB-ANZ etc.


    Here you go Admin a great idea and direction for H.C.

    Start a forum with an anylst pulling stocks apart and I bet lots will pay to lookin ,I will

    From this a new acorn will grow

    Much better than walking down the cyber path with a white cane and rattling a cup
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