3 investment properties for $1million, page-23

  1. 6,082 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 295
    I have often wondered at why so many bears are from W.A.
    Heres my take on it. They missed the biggest boom in a generation. Even people with one house missed the boom, so now the bears are all hoping for falls, to get even with those that caugt the boom, or so they can get a property.
    The general tone of the W.A. bears is bitterness. It is all going to come tumbling down and then the bears will be happy. Well dream on baby, the world is not suddenly going to stop using L.P.G. wheat, crops, minerals etc. The experts are actually hoping that some of the big projects do not go ahead because there are not enough workers to complete them. There is also a big element of resentment amongst those not in the money. Jounos quite often rubbish mine workers as cashed up bogans and hate the fact that the miners earn more than them. Most of the bears have valid reasons or are in the game, only a few extremsists.
    My view of Perth is You ain't seen nothing yet.
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