china warns australia, page-42

  1. 15,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 137
    As I posted last year and earlier this year something has turned Julia Gillard from a "in bed with a red" socialist to applauding and praising the leader of the capitalist system ,USA.
    what has made this girl change her allegiance from socialism to capitalism ?
    well, I can tell you .


    fear will make people do any thing they have to, to survive.

    thats why its not a good idea to have weak leaders.

    this girl found out what was happening in the real world and thats why she went running off seeking protection from the US of A.

    get rid of her and the other pretenders .

    the Chinese must be licking their lips knowing they have a weakly led Nation south of them with just about everything they need.
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