AKM 0.00% 24.0¢ aspire mining limited

director buying: 830,000 shares for $280,398, page-6

  1. asf
    9,887 Posts.
    Not really surfer. Since the ASX forced each company to put out a Trading Policy, they have all done them differently. For example, one company I know of had a Director buy loads of shares, and then put out a profit upgrade the next day. I spoke to the ASX about it because I thought it was shonky. It turns out, though, that the only time the Directors couldn't buy shares was around Christmas, when they put out final results (or something stupid like that). The ASX said whilst they required a policy, the policy from each company could say anything. So, whilst it *looks* like there is more regulation, there is actually less.

    Check AKM's trading window policy- it could be a loose one.
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Mkt cap ! $121.8M
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24.0¢ 24.0¢ 24.0¢ $0 2

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1 2 24.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
25.0¢ 10000 1
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Last trade - 10.00am 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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