whats happened to australia, page-62

  1. 87,855 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    hmmmm, not sure what you are saying einstein

    but getting sloshed and driving home after sitting next to the police chief is probably not really a good idea.

    every time you get away with it only gets you one time closer to a tragedy.

    We don't really want to go back to those days do we?
    If any of you have been involved with fatal road crashes or serious damage from them - the last thing you would want would be to revert to a time when drink driving was viewed less socially unacceptable than it is now.
    These crashes devastate lives - look up the meaning of the word devestate.

    Every year on Australian roads there are more than:
    600,000 reported road crashes;
    200,000 reported injuries as a result of road crashes;
    22,000 serious as a result of road crashes requiring long term care and treatment; and
    1,600 people killed in road crashes.
    The road toll is not just a statistic. It involves sudden loss, pain, suffering and financial hardship. It changes the lives of thousands of Australian families forever.

    ref. http://www.aaa.asn.au/saferroads/get_the_facts.asp
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