andrew bolt, re aust. response to corby trial, page-160

  1. 72,309 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 142
    re: why corby was guilty? syringe,

    The Falconio case will be interesting indeed. I have spoken to a witness in the pub who assisted Joanne Lees the night Peter Falconio was shot and Joanne Lees staggered in.

    Her description of the attacker and the dog in question on the night is completely different to the alleged murderer, Murdoch he stated. She claims he had long hair but at the time he had short hair, she described the dog as a dalmation and it was a blue heeler I believe. There were simply too many inconsistencies according to this witness and I still cannot believe they have found his body or vehicle yet??? Who can hide a combi that well???

    This witness claims the cops have the wrong bloke.

    Word is there are still 11 serial killers roaming the country who haven't been caught yet.

    P.S. Anyone see the command headquarters in New York which was featured last week on Foxtel. Identifies the city with a seriers of grids which include information of all crimes, notes criminals and past prisoners that live in the area, highlights very easily areas to be concentrated on.....incredible stuff really!! They attribute a large part of their success to the power of this computer.
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