carlssnooker - warmongers are dangerous idiots, page-30

  1. 6,931 Posts.
    re: yak/bears & bulls & snooker - warmongers are d Fallguy, you really hate your roots. Why don't you go and live in one of these countries you think are so crash hot.
    You said:- "What about Canada? Could you live there with separate French and English societies? What about the US, with whole neighbourhoods where hispanics have no need of English. What about Malaysia, where Chinese Indians and Malays all live separate cultural lifes which overlap comfortably."

    I would not put those forward as good models. Heard about how native tongue for spaniard speakers was all the go in schools the US? Guess what, it failed the students. Funny how they could not get on in the predominant English speaking world. More deadbeats for the streets.

    And Malaysia as a model!! Ask the Chinese about discrimination in Malaysia. Guess why they go to Australia to get degrees, they are excluded from Malaysian Universities - not enough places because those slack Malays (Mahathir's judgement) were given the places.

    For over 1 hundred years the people of Ausralia have demanded of those who come to Australia that they accept it as their own and become Australian. And the first groups they directed that at were the Brits that hankered for ald England and would not knuckle under. So it has not been race based.


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