what is your trading story?, page-45

  1. 2,415 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    Gday guys
    I started investing in the market in mid to late 2009,
    so im still very green and very inexperienced.
    Im a blue collar worker in the building industry (tradie)
    so i make pretty good coin.(around $2k per week)
    I also buy sell and wreck old Landcruisers (not scared to get dirty by any means)
    In aug 2009 i went to work one morning and a co worker (on HC now)came to work with a big grin on his face and went on to say he just made $XXXXXX on the stock market!
    I cant remember how much and it doesnt really matter,but it was significant, and my eyes lit up and i knew i had to know more! I was always interested in the market and well,just making a buck in general,in fact im a bit like those American pickers,ill buy anything if i think i can sell it for profit!
    My co worker told me of a small goldie FML.(made most trading than holding it)
    I did some research and thought bugger it and next day after work i went to a broker here in Adelaide and bought 125000 shares @ 4cents for $5k in FML(focus minerals).
    Well that was the start! Im now hooked, i spend a lot of time researching and trying to pick undervalued stocks.
    I have been making the mistake/inexperience of buying high and selling low! This obviously needs to change as how can you make $$ doing this.
    I have $35k in Silver and Gold bullion(now worth about$25k)
    and $75k on the stock market and until recently only worth $35k if i sold out!(had a couple of great trades to claw some back ISN)
    My risk appetite is huge as i make ok coin and im only 37yrs old and pretty fit and healthy,so if i do lose the lot im able to keep working and investing/trading and hopefully oneday get it right!
    These forums are a great way to at least help you with your research DYOR and if you can filter thru the crap(some of which i am responsible for)it can point newbies in the right direction where the onus is always on yourself and your own dilligence to pick winners or even losers! Never blame anyone as the market is always right!
    I believe 2012 will be the catalyst for my personal trading/investing,and once i get my capital back im outta here!!!
    JUST KIDDING im hooked, and may the hardest lessons we have to learn be the last!
    Cheers TIMBO for starting this thread!
    Happy New Trading Year!!
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