another reason why the insurgents wont win, page-9

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    re: another reason why the americans can't win Oh, my darling, darling Bendigonian friend! AGAIN, you're wrong LOL!

    Just because something is called a "war" it doesn't mean it is so. "Civil" wars, though there's nothing "civil" about slaughter and maiming, is still not a war of agression between two nations. Rebellion, Upraising, Revolution, Popular Unrest, Coup d' etat, Insurection, call these phenomena anything you like but not a war. It's a little point, perhaps only a pedantic one but, nevertheless, it is a point. It was an argument which should have stayed inside the Congress but, typical of parliamentarians, it was allowed to flow into the streets where it became a brawl.
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