personal attack on keen signs end is nigh !

  1. 10,494 Posts.

    Holy Moly, this guy must be getting real hot under the collar. Is he feeling futile his Nov Mickey Mouse house price stats (that miraculously went up by 0.0000000000001 % - Oh boom time is back) is no match for the credit crunch avalanche that we now see manisfested in massive job losses in banks and credit contraction ??

    Is he starting to get week kneed that a whole army of Aussies that took the plunge into property (and now at risk of losing the lot) will now blame him and his other mates like Rory, Craig (sic clive), Michael and cah for comment Alan ?

    Why get stuck into the poor guy who lost the bet and had to hike to Mt Kosiosko in humiliation ??

    Makes you wonder why why why ????

    Is Keen words resonating in the ears and minds of fearful Aussies with everything to lose and his time to buy, plenty of bargains and property rebound funnies falling on deaf ears ??

    OMG !

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