personal attack on keen signs end is nigh !, page-8

  1. 10,494 Posts.
    arlberg1, UT says he won't IGNORE me because he wants to keep me in check as I just keep making things up with material published in the media - he is giving me too much credit LOL !. All I see is the same familiar one liner despite what the inevitable creeping ever closer.

    I have been saying it all along before this appears in the paper that ALL the banks have been slashing staff by stealth over the last 12+ months. Westpac already had planes to slash 600 IT jobs ALONE about 6 months ago.

    They now have to come to the open as in 6 months time at AGM, they will say we have taken appropriate measures to counter the housing crash.

    The scary part is not the 1000 jobs to be slashed just by the ANZ which will be replicated by all the banks (there will be lots more trust me - they don't want to spooke the market).

    But why ??? Cause the only thing propping up the economy (outside of mining) is FINITO!

    You bulls can seek comfort in the "2012 will be a Boom Year" as written by Michael Yardney or you can seek some reality on the "2012 will be a Kaboom year" as now acknowledged by more and more Australians and people outside of Australia.

    Credit demand plunge + Offshore funding crunch (when we have a mega generational housing price bubble) = MOTHER OF ALL HOUSING PRICE CRASH !

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