how we live - (chuck wouldn't understand), page-10

  1. 13,013 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    GZ is on the right track here. The point is that as individuals, probably a majority of both Israelis and Palestinians if faced with a situation in which they were called upon to give aid would render that aid willingly. Face to face contact between humans is what brings out our humanity. It's when we start to demonise people or groups of people in an abstract sense we seem to lose that humanity and it's that little property of human nature that is exploited by minority power groups and governments.

    Regarding the girl who was treated in the Israeli hospital, of course it was a laudable act of humanity. Why did the girl go there for treatment? Perhaps it was because there was no alternative. Perhaps Palestinian infrastucture is so run down for whatever reason that there was no hospital.

    Most on this site including myself have nothing but admiration for what the Jewish people have achieved in Israel. My problem is with you. It is with the way you represent the issues, it is with the prejudices you express both overtly and covertly. As I've said before, I believe you impact the Israeli/Jewish cause negatively. You do more harm than good with your posts.

    I found the following statement of yours interesting:
    "Because you are so bigoted and blinded by your desire to be "accepted"....that you want to be more Catholic than the pope"

    If that were true surely I would be supporting the majority line. I would be a staunch Howard advocate and be applauded by all his supporters on HC. I'm sure you'll accept that the contrary is the case and that I am, in fact, in a minority upon whose heads here at HC, abuse is often heaped!!

    Re my grandmother etc, I suggest you read my older posts. you have asked this question and I have answered it on a number of occasions.
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