correct titles

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Hi Nine Lives -

    Re. the misname of Ms. Gillard on a thread head -

    Yes, saw that but sometimes it's pure typo, (maybe) and I for one wanted to comment further there. I think "reneg is reneg" too.

    Love or detest her - and resent it like hell in the shady circumstances of it's happening - Julia Gillard is "The Right Hon. Ms. Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia."

    (And boy do I write that with gritted teeth!) But that's what'll go down in the heavily embroidered and gilded history books (which the victors always write!)

    Her portrait up in Parliament House. And all the trimmings of a "never have to worry again" life!

    Which just goes to show - life is, more often than not, grossly unfair - so what to do? Just roll up your sleeves. grin in resignation, and get on with it. Helping other people along the way if you can.

    It's the wanting to change the world (or thinking you can) which sends one mad in the end.

    But it's the not saying/doing anything, when you see wrong and do nothing, which condemns you to the knowledge that your life's been shallow and meaningless.

    If only she'd live up to being thoroughly deserving of this great honor, then who'd be complaining?
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