AUL 0.00% 28.5¢ austar gold limited

updated chart

  1. 2,403 Posts.
    Just for ease, lets try to keep this thread about the chart/technicals. Lots about all the great fundamentals in other threads.


    I can only but echo what eric already said in his previous update.

    14c held today, which is good - but it does look quite tenuous with a black marabozu candle formed, suggesting bears were in control from start to finish. A break below 14c and I think we'll probably see the gap at 11.5c being filled, and/or a return to one of those two upward trendlines.

    RSI and MFI are looking toppy here, also.

    We've seen 5-8 days of consolidation between spikes in the recent past - perhaps more of the same here?

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