lest we forget., page-24

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    re: losing a grasp of reality History offer at least in part a little explanaton of why we, the human race are where we are right now in the world of space/time.Perhaps all the 'true believers' should read all links here as an installment of knowledge. What you believe is up to you but at least have a read remembering all the while that the Mossad motto is;

    "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Make War".-Mossad


    Egyptian Solar Eagle
    with Star of David (Aton)
    above its head made of 13 stars

    from US $ notes

    Controlled and funded by the Cult of Aton, the Judahites were content to eventually accept Aton, (or Adonai) as their god. The thirteen levels of the pyramid and the thirteen stars above the eagle's head, together with every other emblem therein, represent the Ancient Cults, and the Solar Cult of Aton which conceals itself behind Judaism, Christianity, and behind secret societies such as the Knights of Columbus, the Knights Templar, the Freemasons, Jesuits, and the Illuminati, etc,. If we look closely, we will see 33 feathers in the wing of Aton’s Eagle. This number represents the Masonic Order, which has 33 main degrees of initiation in its hierarchical, pyramidical structure. This occult family, of Aton, sits at the top of the power pyramid, and has designed, funded and controlled operations through the time of the Levites, Pharisees, Greeks, Romans, Venetians, the Hanovers of Holland, the royal elites of England (Plantagenet, Tudor, Stuart and Windsor dynasties), through the world's first exploitatory conglomerates such as the East-Indian Company and

    Russell Trust (Virginia and Hudson Bay Companies), which were behind the "discovery" of America's original thirteen states (New Israel), and which own and control both political parties within America today.

    The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun - Thomas Paine

    (Stellar, Lunar, Solar, Saturnian)

    The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind - Jean Jacques Rousseau

    The scholars, academes and mass of the world’s populace seem completely unaware of the fact that there were at least four great cults in the ancient world, with one following and supplanting another as the centuries advanced. Each Cult, until the point when they joined together, absorbed the mythologies and beliefs of those antecedent. All used astrology but each Cult made changes to the lexicon of the past, to the canon of the Gnosis regarding this subject of subjects. We are inheritors of all these contentions and alterations. And from our pedestal, looking back through the generations, we have anything but a true perspective. The lives and beliefs of our earliest predecessors are especially obscured by time and obsolescence. Moreover, our perspective has been consciously distorted by malign influences within the post-Industrial cabals of learning, by those at the helm of the faculties of history, anthropology, mythology, and religion, etc,.

    The Great Cabal
    The great Cults finally decided to unite their forces and, instead of being in constant competition for the minds of men, to make it all so much easier for themselves by consolidating resources and agendas. This event of monumental importance, this forming of the world's first corporation, occurred in the area today referred to as "Israel." Though the traditional histories avoid this fact, it is spoken of allegorically, in the Bible and in other tales and fictions. In fact, it is the reason why Israel has its very name. Israel, is made up of the names of the three deities the ancient Cults: Isis, Ra and El (Moon, Sun and Saturn). As the most adept scholars know, there were no twelve tribes of Israel. This concept of the twelve roving tribes was a deliberately concocted fiction designed to conceal much more surreptitious, but important, occurrences and themes. The fiction was the creation of the great Cults of power, whose elites commissioned Roman and Jewish writers and historians to randomly and prejudiciously translate many old texts and myths, and include them into what would become the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and to flagrantly distort Semitic and Egyptian history so as to prevent the curious from discovering the existence and agendas of those archaic Cults, fraternities, and occult colleges which seek habitually to remain invisible.

    A good read of the spy v spy world



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