jonesy unilaterally says, page-4

  1. 2,032 Posts.
    < What we see with this government is what they term a generational opportunity to implement an extreme belief which is already manifested by skill shortages in crucial areas of the economy. >

    Yes ..... Approx 5 or, 6 years ago, the newsletter from my son's school proudly advised that they had a total of 43 yr 12 students placed in work experience, each for one week. 41 in IT & 2 in the "trades" area. Being in a 'trades area' business (at the time) requiring the (almost) total training of almost all our 'own' labour requirements, I laughed & made the comment of how tough it will soon get, in relation to the availability of 'skilled' personel, before we know it!

    I found it hard to retain staff, (who earned in the region of $50K - $55K per year) & when the offer of $350.00 to work 4 or, 5 hours on a saturday morning was turned down, I decided it was time to, 'get out'. (The reason being was given as, that 'he had to pay tax' ...can you believe it??) - Mind you, I had heard of electricians on a building site in Townsville, (prior to Xmas) demanding $800.00 from their employer, (who had asked them to come in on a saturday), to complete a job within the contract period.

    But (for most ove any given period) it is either 'a feast or, a famine' with little 'common sense', or, understanding shown on both sides, for most of the time.

    The treasurer just mentioned the word 'counterbalancing' (on nightline, on another subject) and I guess the Govt had this in mind when a decision that is rumoured to have been arrived at, to bring 160,000 Filipino Tradesmen into the country, to cover the critical 'shortfall' in certain trades, being on a needs basis. That's 160,000 jobs that should have been considered some 4 or, 5 years ago, when the 'writing was on the wall' and the need to act then, should have been recognised. I had written many letters of concern with very few replies, if at all, at the time. If only they could read!!

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