please appease me, page-65

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: sensitivity from a muslim lady Jonesy

    The claim that Iraq has resulted in more jihadist recruits is not really a provable proposition,

    Correct it is not provable but only a fool would deny that it is highly probable

    All you have to do is look at the anti US sentiment stirred up over the invasion of Iraq, something even GWB's father states has happened.

    add to this the likes of AQ have been preaching way before Iraq that the US is out to destroy Islam and control the Middle East. They no have proof of this with no WMDs or links to terroism being found in Iraq despite these are the reason Iraq was invaded in the first place and now the coalition forces (mainly the US) occupying Iraq.

    Are there are currently more scum bag fanatics running around prepared to carry out terrorist attacks (outside Iraq that is) as you have staed who knows for sure. But it would be a safe bet thare is more support for these types of activities even if there are not more people prepared to carry them out. It would also be a safe bet that in the near future some of those currently creating mayhem in Iraq will look further abroad for targets just as Bin Laden did.

    It also surprises me at the claim that the terrorists are somehow on the back foot because they have not carried out more attacks. Which is rubbish there have been far more terror attacks since Sep 11 in areas that had never or rarely been attacted before.

    These terrorists also do not have to carry out an attack every second week and in fact it can work to their advantage not to. The emotional trauma and fear created by these attacks is far greater when they are unexpected or out of the ordinary

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