the $50 lesson, page-4

  1. 61,571 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    trouble is there is the assumption that the homeless man is not prepared to work & hence has nothing. But is that the case?

    Did his wife divorce him taking the kids, all his money & the house. Did this lead him to suffer depresion turn to achohol & loose his job?

    May be he had a succesful business but due to the GFC business went bad the banks called in the loans which were backed by mortgages on the family home. With the finacial stress the wife leaves & takes what little is left.

    Unfortunatly the capitalist assume every one is equal in ability & opertunities which is simply not true.

    Many of our seniors (including war vetrens) would not have the benifet of superauation now rely solely on a pension have worked all there lifes, unfortunatly the cost of living increaces much more than their pension.

    And what of low income earners such as aged care workers & nurses, they live humble lives doing work that most of us would not do even with higher pay. A sickness, family tragety or getting ripped off by a conman can see them on the poverty line.

    What does a our social system do? It suports people during hard times untill they are able to suport themselves.

    Yes there are people that that abuse the system but there are also there are also capitalist who rip off others.

    Not it's not funny to judge some one on their circumstance, you don't know the real story.
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