clive palmer, page-17

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yes - but the dangerous thing is that THIS Government DO think they are above the Australian Constitution - and plot and inveigle and make their shady midnight back room deals to ensure that they are. Now defiant, they sneer and slur and give us all the bird, by their constant verballing of all things Right. Even Shorten being the GG's son-in-law, although an innocent sad co-incidence, is highly favorable to their cockiness, and must give more wind to their arrogant "we're born to rule by ignoring the rules and denying the public their democratic rights" balloons.

    This seeming conflict of interest of a possible future leader candidate of any political Party being closely, conveniently related to any GG must be looked at, though, and the Constitution adjusted accordingly.

    Something has happen to prick their arrogant, and now sneering and derisive, strut, and bring this unjust farce to an end - but what - or who?

    Sad part is - they are destroying Australia while they goose step along. And now they are threatening the freedom of the press! Dictatorship - yes.

    Me, a long playing record, yes. I don't apologise. We MUST, as patriots, keep up the protest. It's what the blokes and women who spawned most of us fought for. And died for.
    Democratic rights - and freedoms.
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