clive palmer, page-169

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yeldub -

    Carr can't help himself - in the job one minute, rushed into Senate via parachute,(a manoeuvre lied about, during media questioning, several times by Gillard - Carr is not the Lord Jesus after all - why the big lies?) and his personal class and character are such that he could only spend the whole of his "maiden" speech putting the boots into Abbott for a 20 minute hate rant.

    This beloved Labor Party of yours is now so impossibly eaten up by, entirely obsessed by, totally diverted and taken up with, it's vicious vindictive blind hatreds of anyone and anything to the right of Stalin, it virtually cannot govern because of it's intense personal hatreds, on display for all of us daily. It is now the Party of Hate and Deceptions.

    The fact that they gave this gig to Carr, well past his use by date, and day one showing his gross all-consuming arrogance, complete incompetence and unsuitably for the job by getting hugely offside with and offending Papua New Guineans in what's blown out into a diplomatic embarrassment, shows how desperate they are. To say Carr is alleged by some (who watched his tenure in it's latter stages in NSW) to be a self-important loud-mouthed intellectual snob and strutter may be proven correct. Time will tell, Federal Politics and Foreign Ministership being an entirely different stage.

    The fact that they appointed someone to go out and search for the best possible candidate to head the Future Fund management, then passed over his recommendation of boar member Peter Costello, out of sheer ornery spite and vindictiveness, and gave the job instead to the reluctant head-hunter himself, tells us the whole story. This in itself is a major. clear indication of the small minded vipers who now have the absolute gall to see themselves as "our leaders."

    The story that I've been telling for years - others here know it - express it - better than I. That this poor sad pathetic excuse for a "Federal Government" is now so desperately and fatally fixated on and mired down in assuring their own survival, AT ANY COST, they are entirely concentrated on that end - that Australia, and Australian citizens' best interests, can go to hell. Our welfare has never figured in their shady back room plots.

    Anyone who still thinks this Machiavellian, hate-filled, constantly scheming poisonous minded, hate-filled crew care two hoots for any one of us, or any one of our kids' futures, all OUR best interests, is entirely and absolutely delusional.

    With Labor - it's all, and only, do whatever it takes to get us to end of 2013.
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