israel and lebanon, page-22

  1. 406 Posts.
    Fallguy , At last YOU SPELLED it OUT .
    You have ALWAYS tried to pretend that your views were ,that you were against Israel because of the OCCUPATION . It is the first MAJINO LINE of the NEW LEFT everywhere when they have to deal with the antisemite problem.( How can one blame these ultra justice seeking people with such a proposition ? that's how they think . We ? the intellectual of this world are antisemite ? Noway hoze ! the fact that we have very good Jewish friends ) YOU SAID "The fact remains that Israel is a festering sore in the Middle East."
    At last you said what we all knew from day one . So here we go . ITS ISRAEL VERY EXISTENCE that bothers, not the the occupation of the AREAS that were captured during the SIX DAYS WAR of 1967. You are nothing but an antisemite who HATE JEWS everywhere whether they are citizens of ZION ( ISRAEL ) or anywhere .
    The very die hard fact is that your views are an integral part of the LEFT WING in the west.
    You called me a maggot and dildo . You may call me whatever you want . The disturbing fact is that you are admittedly an Australian from an Anglo Saxon origins , who have been fed with lies and sheer propoganda , and your arguments are very shallow and hollow . I know you are a trivial insignificant minority within the Australian population . But it still disturbs to find such an abberation in a very friendly and decent society , as the Aussie one .It simply does not fit in . It is very common in Europe but not here down under .
    In fact , you cannot deal with Snooker's intelligence . Even with my few posts you were not able to combat intellegently .
    Not that I think you are not intelligent . In fact I think you are , but you have been BRAINWASHED to a point where your inherent intelligence is compromised , and it is a pity . Have you ever seen the movie " the confession " ? about a Stalinist from Cseckoslovakia whose Stalinist views were so embedded in his brain , that when he was detained by his fellow Stalinists , and had to confess for SINS he had never comitted against the party , he was not able STILL , to see that the communist system was totally wrong .HAD HE admitted that , the consequence would have been far more horendous MENTALLY to him than anything else .it is that raison d'etat that held him back .The raison d'etat of the LEFT is the hatred towards ISRAEL . Had Israel not existed , they would channel their venom , against the Jews in the Diaspora .There is no doubt about it . The left movement has many beatiful aspects in its platform.In fact most of those are the cornerstones of the Jewish old bible prophets who were the FATHERS OF THE SOCIAL JUSTICE . Unfortunately the left is full with tunnel vision and distortions that cannot simply be explained . Perhaps psychology should be enlisted to provide a possible solution .
    In VALESSA's POLAND there were no Jews left . During the great days of the anti soviet campaign the JEWS were blamed for all the problems of Poland - BY BOTH SIDES !- they just forgot to mention to the pelebes that JEWS did not live anymore in POLAND .
    There is no difference between hatred to Israel and hatred to Jews . It is exactly the same phenomenon .
    Last but not least , You did not comprehend my previous post . Read it again and try to use your intelligence to decypher it . I make it easier for you : the harder they hate US the STRONGER we BECOME . That is the history of the Jews and never forget this one .Duff
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