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Ann: PaperlinX EGM - Message From Directors , page-2

  1. 10,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Interesting points.Is there any answers to these points.

    1.Experience outside of Australia.Who could Price trust in Europe to help him understand Europe if he gets the vote?
    2.Restructuring experience.Who could Price use to help re structure - Clarke?Don't forget Clarke is already there and he has worked in restructuring withs banks etc.
    3. What is Price's qualifications eg is it marketing is he a numbers man accountant, he knows paper but is European paper different to Australia.
    4. If Price gets in will all the other directors leave at his call?Is Price too head strong not to listen to other people?Anyone know.
    5. What remuneration was Price after?

    Actually that would be my main question is that Price too head strong because he will be walking into a storm and will need people around him to navigate it through...

    Just some logical points to look at...
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