SBM 1.41% 35.0¢ st barbara limited

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    Quarterly Activities Report
    3 months to 30th June 2005
    G:\Corporate\Financial Rpts\Quarterly\2005\June.doc Page 1 of 6
    St Barbara Mines Limited
    The Company has re-emerged as a gold producer with gold sales of
    83,646ozs at a cash cost of $341/oz for the quarter.
    Summary of Key Points
    Gold Operations
    �� Significant improvement in performance due
    to higher grades, reduced unit costs and
    improved mining productivity.
    �� Safety at work is fundamental to the
    Company’s success. Southern Cross operations
    completed 370 days without a lost time injury
    at the end of the quarter while Carosue Dam
    operations achieved 276 days without a lost
    time injury.
    Gold Exploration
    �� Significant drilling results were achieved at
    Meekatharra at Paddys Flat and Reedys with
    the best results of 85m @ 3.5g/t from a depth of
    192m and 44m @ 3.4g/t from 187m
    �� Drilling is also underway at Yilgarn Star,
    Gwalia Deeps, Tarmoola and Marvel Loch to
    delineate reserves.
    �� Exploration expenditure was $2.4M for the
    Mineral Resources
    �� The mineral resources of the Company now
    total 139Mt @ 2.1g/t for 9.3Mozs as at
    30 June 2005, and include the mineral
    resources acquired through the purchase of the
    Sons of Gwalia Ltd (Administrators
    Appointed) Gold Division (“SGWGD”). Refer
    Table 2.
    Nickel Sulphide Exploration
    �� Nickel sulphide targets at Sullivans, 4kms
    north of Tarmoola have been identified with
    drilling and ground EM to be conducted
    during the September 2005 quarter.
    �� Cash at bank at 30 June 2005 totalled $28M, of
    which $12M was cash backing of Company
    performance bonds.
    �� The Company’s investments, including its
    holding of 6.4% in NuStar Mining Corporation
    Limited (“NuStar”) and 5.5% in Sedimentary
    Holdings Limited (“Sedimentary”) had a
    market value of $6.9M as at 30th June.
    �� Sale of surplus assets has commenced with
    contracts to the value of $2.3M completed.
    �� An industry experienced Manager -
    Environment & Rehabilitation is being
    appointed to coordinate the Company’s
    environmental rehabilitation, and bond
    reduction activities.
    �� Gold production is forecast at 49,000ozs at a
    cash cost of $400/oz for the September 2005
    �� Gold production beyond November 2005 is
    currently being assessed.
    �� Exploration expenditure of $4.1M is forecast
    for the September 2005 quarter.
    Eduard Eshuys
    Managing Director & CEO
    19 July 2005
    Quarterly Activities Report
    3 months to 30th June 2005
    G:\Corporate\Financial Rpts\Quarterly\2005\June.doc Page 2 of 6
    St Barbara Mines Limited
    Operations Performance
    Gold sales for the June 2005 quarter totalled
    83,646ozs at a cash cost of $341/oz compared to the
    forecast of 82,000ozs at $415/oz for the quarter.
    The improved performance of the operations was
    due to higher grades than forecast, reduced costs
    due to implementation of cost reduction measures
    and improved mining productivity at both Marvel
    Loch and Safari Bore.
    The Company maintained its emphasis on safety at
    the operations and completed the first quarter
    injury free. At the end of the quarter Southern
    Cross operations had completed 370 days and
    Carosue Dam operations 276 days without a lost
    time injury.
    The rolling 12 month Lost Time Injury Frequency
    Rate for the two operations is 0.7 (2003/4 WA Gold
    Industry 4.3). The quarter saw a total of
    5 medically treated injuries at the sites resulting in
    a Medical Treatment Injury Frequency Rate for the
    quarter of 20. There were no disabling injuries in
    the quarter and the operations achieved a
    12 month rolling Disabling Injury Frequency Rate
    of 3.5 (2003/4 WA Gold Industry 12.1).
    Southern Cross
    Gold production at Southern Cross was derived
    from the open pit and underground at Marvel
    Loch and Golden Pig. Production from the Golden
    Pig mine ceased during the quarter, as scheduled.
    In the Marvel Loch Open Pit a change to the mine
    plan has resulted in a higher grade tonnage being
    extracted and completion of mining is likely
    during the September 2005 quarter.
    Two stoping areas were mined in the Marvel Loch
    underground mine, Sherwood and Undaunted at
    the northern end. Sherwood has performed ahead
    of forecast. Undaunted production is on target
    with reference to tonnes and grade.
    A third production stope at New Lode was drilled
    during the quarter and will be in full production
    during the September 2005 quarter. Further
    drilling during the quarter has already extended
    the mineralisation and it is anticipated that
    additional drilling planned for the September 2005
    quarter will result in a further increase in reserves.
    Forecast gold production for the September 2005
    quarter from Southern Cross is 47,000oz at $392/oz.
    Carosue Dam
    Mining and processing operations were completed
    at Carosue Dam during the quarter on schedule.
    The mining operation achieved better than
    expected productivities and costs.
    Gold production from Carosue Dam for the
    September 2005 quarter will comprise 2,000oz of
    clean-up gold.
    Details of June 2005 Quarter Production
    Open Pit t 287,356 256,848
    Grade g/t 2.25 3.84
    Underground t 116,944 -
    Grade g/t 7.02 -
    Stockpiles Processed t 259,065 56,750
    Grade g/t 1.32 0.77
    Ore Milled t 663,365 313,598
    Grade g/t 2.94 3.28
    Recovery % 92 96
    Gold Shipped ozs 53,719 29,528
    Cash Cost $/oz 336 349
    In addition to gold shipped from operations of
    83,247ozs, 399ozs was generated from other site
    Care and maintenance is being continued at
    Meekatharra, as well as at Gwalia and Tarmoola,
    Leonora and Carosue Dam, South Laverton.
    Quarterly Activities Report
    3 months to 30th June 2005
    G:\Corporate\Financial Rpts\Quarterly\2005\June.doc Page 3 of 6
    St Barbara Mines Limited
    Gold Exploration
    �� Significant drilling results were reported
    from Mudlode and Rand prospects. 85m @
    3.5g/t and 58m @ 4.1g/t were reported from
    Mudlode, in a carbonate-quartz-pyrite
    altered ultramafic. Best results from Rand
    include 44m @ 3.4g/t and 27.2m @ 3.6g/t,
    hosted in a biotite-quartz-pyrite altered zone
    below the North Rand pit. Details of these
    holes and others are in Table 1.
    �� Mudlode is a new position, outside of
    current resources, east of and adjacent to the
    Vivians-Consols porphyry. Mudlode
    mineralisation has been intersected over a
    400m strike and remains open to both north
    and south. Follow-up drilling will occur.
    �� Drilling at Rand during the quarter has
    identified gold mineralisation, plunging
    southwards, below the North Rand pit.
    Further drilling, resource modelling and
    mining studies are underway to evaluate the
    possibility of a pit cutback.
    Gwalia and Tarmoola
    �� Infill drilling has commenced at Gwalia
    Deeps to establish indicated resources
    utilising existing deep holes drilled in
    2000/02 as platforms to drill daughter holes
    of 300-400m each. DrillCorp (contractors for
    the 2000/02 campaign) has been engaged for
    this work, with one UDR1500 rig on double
    shift. A second rig is expected to commence
    during August.
    �� Drilling has also commenced at Tarmoola,
    testing the gold in granite mineralisation at
    the ROM pad and West Saddle targets on
    the western margin of the open pit to a
    depth of 200m.
    Southern Cross
    �� A deep diamond drilling program at Yilgarn
    Star with a current resource of 780,000t @
    6.9g/t is in progress, targeting the northplunging
    mineralisation between 350m and
    900m from surface. An intersection of 3m @
    9.9g/t was achieved in YSD1056, the first
    result from this campaign.
    �� Underground drilling at Marvel Loch of
    Undaunted, Sherwood, New and the
    Exhibition Lode is underway, aiming to
    convert indicated and inferred resources of
    917,000t at 8.2g/t for 242,000ozs into
    �� A dedicated, focussed gold targeting study
    has commenced, initially at Southern Cross
    to produce new exploration targets, and
    assess the effectiveness of previous
    Nickel Sulphide Exploration
    �� High priority nickel targets within the
    acquired SGWGD ground are being
    assessed, with surface EM survey and RC
    drilling commencing on Leonora targets
    during July. Research into previous
    exploration has indicated the presence of
    significant nickel and copper anomalism in
    an ultramafic unit at Sullivans 35kms north
    of Leonora. Very little drill testing of the
    prospective ultramafic footwall contact,
    which extends for some 8km on Company
    owned tenements, has previously occurred.
    Mineral Resources
    �� The mineral resources of the Company now
    total 139Mt @ 2.1g/t for 9.3Mozs as at
    30 June 2005 and include the mineral
    resources acquired through the SGWGD
    �� Resource modelling and upgrade at
    Meekatharra on Rand, Emu, Jack Ryan and
    Vivians-Consols by Cube Consulting is in
    progress. This work will incorporate all
    drilling results received to date and will
    report the resources in line with the
    Company’s JORC-compliant reporting
    Quarterly Activities Report
    3 months to 30th June 2005
    G:\Corporate\Financial Rpts\Quarterly\2005\June.doc Page 4 of 6
    St Barbara Mines Limited
    Table 1
    Significant Drillhole Intersections
    Total Mineralized Intercept
    Hole No North East Dip Azimuth Depth From To Length Gold
    m m m m g/t
    PADDYS FLAT - Mudlode
    VIRCD033 2702 1313 61 270 450.8 192 282 85 3.5
    VIRC029 2700 1315 60 270 340 201 259 58 4.1
    VIRC040 2760 1315 60 270 322 238 276 38 2.3
    VIRCD020 2740 1315 60 270 429.6 221 262 41 2.1
    VIRC035 2780 1350 60 270 350 292 312 20 2.9
    VIRC039 2740 1220 60 270 316 224 225 1 54.0
    VIRC042 2820 1325 60 270 350 267 276 9 2.7
    VIRCD023 3200 1590 60 270 510.6 358 364 6 3.8
    VIRC040 2760 1315 60 270 322 210 215 5 4.5
    VIRC041 2780 1260 60 270 250 156 180 24 0.9
    VIRCD030 3000 1460 55 270 471.7 294 296 2 8.8
    VIRCD027 2960 1440 60 270 513.7 282 294 12 1.2
    PADDYS FLAT – Vivians-Consols Porphyry
    VIRCD024a 2996 1448 52 270 450.5 414.5 415.5 1 22.4
    VIRCD030 3000 1460 55 270 471.7 442 444 2 10.1
    REEDYS - Rand
    RDRC016 11600 10147 55 270 280 187 231 44 3.4
    RDRCD013 11560 10170 60 270 328.3 267.4 310 42.6 2.5
    RDRCD020 11500 10182 60 270 363.7 275.33 302.5 27.2 3.6
    including 283 297.5 14.5 5.7
    RDRC016 11600 10147 55 270 280 222 228 6 13.5
    RDRC027 11140 10129 60 270 270 197 213 16 3.6
    including 202 212 10 5.1
    RDRC028 11600 10147 45 270 202 170 183 13 4.0
    RDRC019 11640 10145 48 270 249 161 185 24 2.0
    RDRCD004 11200 10270 60 270 462.1 448.5 455 6.5 5.2
    RDRC025 11000 10140 60 270 322 243 252 9 3.7
    RDRC030 11550 10159 50 270 230 174 210 36 0.9
    RDRCD007 11900 10210 60 270 456.6 416 425.4 9.4 3.1
    RDRCD015 11520 10225 55 270 366.7 344 350 6 4.5
    SOUTHERN CROSS – Yilgarn Star
    YSD1056 5529 11149 65 090 469 404 407 3 9.9
    Quarterly Activities Report
    3 months to 30th June 2005
    G:\Corporate\Financial Rpts\Quarterly\2005\June.doc Page 5 of 6
    St Barbara Mines Limited
    The Company continues to hold a 5.5% interest in
    Sedimentary and a 6.4% interest in NuStar.
    Financing for the replacement of SGWGD
    performance bond guarantees amounting to $30M
    was finalised during the quarter and comprised:
    - operations’ generated cash of A$9M; and
    - offshore bank letter of credit of A$21M.
    Total cash backing for the Company’s performance
    bonds, including the Meekatharra tenements,
    amounts to $12M.
    The Department of Industry and Resources has
    granted a 12 month moratorium for the lodging of
    securities for $5.7M in proposed bond increases
    relating to the acquired SGWGD tenements.
    Total funds drawn down on the Resource Capital
    Funds III LP facility remained unchanged at $7M.
    The transition of the SGWGD acquisition was
    completed smoothly during the quarter, including:
    - signing on of key management and operations
    - renewing insurance cover for 2006 at a lower
    aggregate cost than for 2005; and
    - establishing IT and communications platforms
    across all operations.
    An industry experienced Manager - Environment &
    Rehabilitation is being appointed to strengthen the
    implementation of a range of rehabilitation
    programs planned to reduce current cash backed
    performance bonds.
    Two experienced managers have been dedicated to
    negotiating the sale of surplus property, plant and
    equipment from the SGWGD acquisition. To date
    sales of surplus assets to the value of $2.3M have
    been achieved. Further sales are anticipated.
    There were no new securities issued during the
    quarter and 2,370,516 unlisted options expired.
    The Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows reflects
    a full quarter’s contribution from the recently
    acquired SGWGD operations.
    The closing combined cash position and cash
    backing for performance bonds increased to
    $28.0M at 30 June 2005 from $9.5M at
    31 March 2005. This increase is primarily
    attributable to strong Net Operating Cash Flows
    for the quarter of $17.9M.
    The closing cash position of $16.2M at 30 June,
    excluding cash backing of bonds, compares with
    $2.2M as at 31 March 2005.
    Other details are as follows:
    �� For the June quarter, gold sales of 83,646 ounces
    were sold at spot, at a weighted average price of
    A$557.13 per ounce. The Company’s gold
    production remains unhedged.
    �� Corporate Project and Acquisition Costs of
    $742k for the quarter related to the SGWGD
    acquisition, and included stamp duty costs.
    �� Proceeds from the Sale of Equity Investments
    includes $957k from the sale of 19.1M NuStar
    shares at 5 cents each pursuant to an option
    agreement with Claymore Capital and
    nominees. The option agreement expired in
    May 2005.
    Quarterly Activities Report
    3 months to 30th June 2005
    G:\Corporate\Financial Rpts\Quarterly\2005\June.doc Page 6 of 6
    St Barbara Mines Limited
    Table 2
    Mineral Resource Statement at 30 June 2005
    kTonnes Au g/t Koz kTonnes Au g/t Koz kTonnes Au g/t Koz kTonnes Au g/t Koz
    Gwalia 7,200 7.4 1,720 7,200 7.4 1,720
    Tarmoola 10,000 1.5 460 10,300 1.2 400 35,600 1.2 1,370 55,900 1.2 2,230
    Other 990 1.0 30 6,370 1.6 330 6,800 2.1 460 14,160 1.8 820
    10,990 1.4 490 16,670 1.4 730 49,600 2.2 3,550 77,260 1.9 4,770
    Southern Cross
    Marvel Loch 60 4.0 8 3,000 3.9 370 1,100 6.7 230 4,160 4.6 608
    Yilgarn Star 390 6.6 80 1,050 3.2 110 1,440 4.1 190
    Other 6,200 2.7 550 4,800 2.9 450 11,000 2.8 1,000
    60 4.0 8 9,590 3.2 1,000 6,950 3.5 790 16,600 3.4 1,798
    Meekatharra (100% SBM)
    Paddys Flat 16,500 1.7 910 9,300 1.4 420 25,800 1.6 1,330
    Reedys 840 2.7 70 800 5.5 140 310 5.0 50 1,950 4.2 260
    Other 150 3.1 15 150 3.1 15
    840 2.7 70 17,450 1.9 1,065 9,610 1.5 470 27,900 1.8 1,605
    South Laverton 5,900 2.3 400 3,500 2.6 300 9,500 2.5 700
    Meekatharra (JV)
    Annean JV (SBM reducing to 30%) 4,800 1.5 230 1,550 2.2 110 6,350 1.7 340
    Polelle JV (SBM reducing to 35%) 1,120 1.6 60 1,120 1.6 60
    4,800 1.5 230 2,670 2.0 170 7,470 1.7 400
    TOTAL ALL AREAS 11,890 1.5 568 54,410 2.0 3,425 72,330 2.3 5,280 138,730 2.1 9,273
    This resource estimate complies with recommendations in the Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves prepared in 1999 by
    the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC). It was prepared by Mr Peter Thompson, General Manager Exploration and Ms Jane Bateman, Manager
    Resources, full time employees of St Barbara and both Competent Persons as defined by the Code. It is included in this report with the written consent of
    Mr Peter Thompson and Ms Jane Bateman.
    In accordance with ASIC Class Order 98/100 dated 10 July 1998 amounts in this report have been rounded off to the nearest thousand, unless otherwise
    Directors and Executive Management
    S J C Wise.........................................Chairman
    E Eshuys...........................Managing Director
    R Knight ..................Non-Executive Director
    H G Tuten...............Non-Executive Director
    M K Wheatley........Non-Executive Director
    R J Kennedy................... Company Secretary
    Registered Office
    Level 2, 16 Ord Street
    West Perth WA 6005
    Telephone: ............................. +61 8 9476 5555
    Facsimile: ............................... +61 8 9476 5500
    Email:[email protected]
    Issued Capital
    As at the date of this report, the issued
    capital is 566,533,352 shares.
    As at the date of this report, there are
    92,338,091 unlisted options exercisable at
    various prices between 4.7¢ and 35¢ up to
    23 December 2011.
    Largest Shareholder
    Resource Capital Fund II LP ................ 31.4%
    Stock Exchange Listings
    Australian Stock Exchange
    AIM Board of London Stock Exchange
    Ticker Symbol: SBM
    Dollar values in this report are Australian
    Dollars unless otherwise stated
    Shareholder Enquiries
    Matters related to shares held, change of
    address and tax file numbers should be
    directed to:
    Advanced Share Registry Services
    110 Stirling Highway
    Nedlands WA 6009
    Telephone: ...............................+61 8 9221 7288
    Facsimile: .................................+61 8 9221 7869
    or for UK residents:
    Computershare Investor Services PLC
    The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road
    Bristol BS99 7NH, England
    Telephone: .............................+44 870 703 6088
    Facsimile: ..............................+44 870 703 6142
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Appendix 5B Page 1
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Name of entity
    ABN Quarter ended (“current quarter”)
    36 009 165 066 30 JUNE 2005
    Consolidated statement of cash flows
    Cash flows related to operating activities Current quarter
    Year to date
    (12 months)
    1.1 Receipts from debtors
    (a) gold sales
    (b) Other
    1.2 Payments for:
    (a) exploration and evaluation
    (b) development
    (c) production
    (d) care & maintenance
    (e) administration and corporate payments
    (f) projects & acquisition costs
    1.3 Dividends received - -
    1.4 Interest and other items of a similar nature
    received 161 478
    1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid (148) (585)
    1.6 Income taxes paid - -
    1.7 Other (payments of 30 June 2004 creditors) - (3,649)
    Net Operating Cash Flows 17,381 (749)
    Cash flows related to investing activities
    1.8 Payment for purchases of:
    (a) prospects (refund in quarter)
    (b) equity investments
    (c) other fixed assets
    1.9 Proceeds from sale of:
    (a) prospects
    (b) equity investments
    (c) other fixed assets
    1.10 Loans to other entities - -
    1.11 Loans repaid by other entities - -
    1.12 Other (provide details if material) - -
    Net investing cash flows 1,050 12,038
    1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows
    (carried forward) 18,431 11,289
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Appendix 5B Page 2
    Current quarter
    Year to date
    (12 months)
    1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows
    (brought forward) 18,431 11,289
    Cash flows related to financing activities
    1.14 Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc. - 2,905
    1.15 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares - -
    1.16 Proceeds from convertible borrowings - 8,382
    1.17 Repayment of borrowings - (3,500)
    1.18 Dividends paid - -
    1.19 Addition to cash backed bonds (4,440) (10,430)
    Net financing cash flows (4,440) (2,643)
    Net increase (decrease) in cash held 13,991 8,646
    1.20 Cash at beginning 2,211 12,849
    1.21 Deconsolidation adjustment - (5,293)
    1.22 Cash at end of quarter 16,202 16,202
    1.23 Cash backing bonds at beginning 7,361 3,108
    1.24 Increase/(decrease) in cash backing bonds 4,440 8,693
    1.25 Cash backing bonds at end of quarter 11,801 11,801
    1.26 Cash at end of quarter including cash
    backed bonds 28,003 28,003
    Payments are shown net of GST.
    Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors
    Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related entities
    Current quarter
    1.23 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in item 1.2 122
    1.24 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.10 -
    1.25 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
    Refer commentary.
    Non-cash financing and investing activities
    2.1 Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated
    assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Appendix 5B Page 3
    2.2 Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in projects in which the
    reporting entity has an interest
    Financing facilities available
    Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.
    Amount available
    Amount used
    3.1 Loan facilities - -
    3.2 Credit standby arrangements - -
    Estimated cash outflows for next quarter
    4.1 Exploration and evaluation 4,084
    4.2 Development -
    Total 4,084
    Reconciliation of cash
    Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter (as
    shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows) to
    the related items in the accounts is as follows.
    Current quarter
    Previous quarter
    5.1 Cash on hand and at bank 1,454 853
    5.2 Deposits at call 14,748 1,358
    16,202 2,211
    5.3 Bank overdraft - -
    5.4 Other
    (a) Cash security for bonds
    (b) Restricted cash held in escrow
    Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22) 28,003 9,541
    Changes in interests in mining tenements
    Nature of interest
    (note (2))
    Interest at
    of quarter
    Interest at
    end of
    6.1 Interests in mining
    tenements relinquished,
    reduced or lapsed
    Tenement Surrendered
    6.2 Interests in mining
    tenements acquired or
    Tenement Granted
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Appendix 5B Page 4
    Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter
    Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights together with prices and dates.
    Total number Number quoted
    Issue price per
    (see note 3)
    Amount paid up per
    (see note 3)
    7.1 Preference
    7.2 Changes during
    (a) Increases
    through issues
    (b) Decreases
    through returns
    of capital, buybacks,
    7.3 +Ordinary
    securities 566,533,352 566,533,352 Fully paid Fully paid
    7.4 Changes during
    (a) Increases
    through issues
    (b) Decreases
    through returns
    of capital, buybacks
    7.5 +Convertible
    debt securities
    7.6 Changes during
    (a) Increases
    through issues
    (b) Decreases
    7.7 Options
    (description and
    Employee and
    unlisted options
    All options are
    Exercise price
    Between 4.7¢
    and 35¢
    Expiry date
    Between 13/08/05
    and 23/12/11
    7.8 Issued during
    quarter Nil
    7.9 Exercised during
    quarter Nil
    7.10 Expired during
    quarter 2,370,516 None Various Various
    7.11 Debentures
    (totals only)
    7.12 Unsecured
    notes (totals
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Appendix 5B Page 5
    Compliance statement
    1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with accounting
    standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards acceptable to ASX (see
    note 4).
    2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.
    Sign here: ............................................................ Date: 19 July 2005
    Print name: Ross Kennedy,
    Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary
    1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the entity’s activities have
    been financed for the past quarter and the effect on its cash position. An entity wanting to
    disclose additional information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this
    2 The “Nature of interest” (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of interests in mining
    tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting period. If the entity is involved in
    a joint venture agreement and there are conditions precedent which will change its percentage
    interest in a mining tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and
    conditions precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.
    3 Issued and quoted securities The issue price and amount paid up is not required in items 7.1
    and 7.3 for fully paid securities.
    4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive Industries and
    AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.
    5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of International Accounting
    Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used do not address a topic, the Australian
    standard on that topic (if any) must be complied with.
    == == == == ==
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