black swan, page-12

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Superb posts on this thread illustrate the gross unfairness of this forum NOT being allowed "Thumbs Up/Down." Many people on here put lots of time and thought into their posts - and get good readership for the site - yet some dinky two-liner snippets on "General" or elsewhere gets stacks of thumbs acknowledgements.

    Labor nitwits - easy to be frivilous throwing around other people's monies with absolute abandon - making politicy up as you go along - and no doubt having "whoopee" crowing and back-slapping cosy little get-together cocktails behind closed doors at Parliament House after hours, to celebrate their latest smoke and mirrors deceptions of the Australian public -

    Gillard goes home to the cushy comforts of the Lodge she has never deserved - (Note Tim suitably trained now to keep in the background) - they cover all angles these Machiavellians -

    and she'll graduate from that to the dreamy well smoothed out life she'll lead beyond politics - on a huge pile of superannuated comfort for life - plus staff, office, (for what pray!) plus driver, plus free air travel, plus endless speaking engagements to the converted sycophants - a lifetime of absolute ease. A Memoir later - and a portrait in the House. Her fellow outed Ministers will retire in wealth as well. They don't care beyond THEIR own outcomes.

    Not much consolation to all of us out here in the real world - many of whom now can't even afford the mortgage - and many families facing despair and disaster. Who have to go without themselves (And it'll be worse after July 1) yet watch this mob get away with despicable swathes of ruination for Australia - and who ponce and preen as they do it - completely hopeless - and never giving a fig for any of us.

    and such people as Gillard and Swan - from their cosy perches - have the nerve to sling off at the "rich" who put their life's work into mining resources - and rip into their mining profits in a communistic re-distribution of wealth. Hate the miners? Well, your call. But which section of business will they attack next when they need even more money? YOUR section, perhaps?

    They're the ones with THEIR snouts in the political cash cow trough.

    I'm alright, Jack, is the attitude. And you can all go jump!

    Never is their contempt for us more evident now than their sheer spite and arrogance shown in Question Time. And their
    flaunting of the absolute full stop now of any progression of enquiry into the Craig Thomson, with Gillard always defending him, volumes, and stinks to high heaven of coverup. SO much for THEIR integrity.

    Gillard now sticks the nose in the air and repeats "I am the Prime Minister". (we have to be suitably reminded - and tug the forelock!) And she's "gunna" say it for the next 601 days - 'cos that's how long we have to wait to see the end of her. And them. The whole raggle, taggle, bunch of no hopers.
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