colin barnetts falsehood, page-19

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Ted Baillieu also, in Victoria also made to look bad - because Gillard cut his GST funding. SO he doesn't have ten yards of cloth any more - but only five. Plus the inherited mismanagement and debt of the previous Brumby/Bracks regimes. The full impact of which is only ever brought to light after an election - and a resultant accurate audit of the books.

    Machiavellians - always plotting, always one devious, insidious, step ahead. Motvies always entirely selfish and only for self-gratification, and achieving one's own ends, no matter how deviously attained.

    Never mind the effect on, or the damage to, this country, and morseo, it's citizens.

    As long as they're alright Jack - the rest of us can go to hell for all they care. Keep feeding us a diet of lies - because we keep eating them. And so they're encouraged.

    Labor backrooms must be dens of sinister plots, counter plots, and dark and furtive daily intrigues. Allegedly, they've either organised, or been party to, this latest Fair Work cover-up disgrace and diversion (of the WRONG paperwork being delivered to the Commonwealth DPP! - what, accidentally on purpose - to gain even more time for the Gillard/Thomson tenures?). This too clever by half move must have really strained their very clever minds. And what then does it say of the quality of their own Legal Department advice? Surely this is basic legalese - what, year one stuff of a law degree. Ms. Gillard herself being an ex-lawyer from the renowned Slater and Gordon company - known for it's sharpness and accuracy of approach in matters
    agressively litigative!

    How many enemies do Labor now have who they feel they have to "get"?? SO busy denigrating and undermining, (now Liberal State Premiers and Treasurers in their latest sights)with such a gamut of devious pot-shotting to activate daily, how the hell do they ever get time to actually do the job they're being paid for - i.e. actually running the country - and running it COMPETENTLY!

    No wonder Labor allegedly have a huge media contingent of staffers! Takes a lot to juggle all these balls, and fool the public yet again, daily.

    If Fair Work's systems, with all the bureacracy available to them, take almost 4 years, and then finalises an 1100 page Report, which they are then stupid enough to hand to the Commonwealth DPP, surely knowing full well what we're all just now being told, i.e in it's present form it does not constitute an acceptably legal formal brief basis for submission for possible charges to be laid - and we are now told it is back to the "investigation" drawing board,
    then Fair Work as an entity is at best useless, and at worst allegedly complicit and devious, and therefore should be immediately disbanded.

    I have said it before on HC -

    After WW2 - the Nuremberg trails of (then) Alleged Nazi
    war criminals (about 100 of them) - involving hundreds of witnesses, and millions of pages of evidential material, was all over, done and dusted, within 11 months!

    Most of the cases were proven, and the perpetrators hanged.
    The scale of these trials was mammoth. Fair Work/HSU can't even make a conclusion after almost four years on such a comparatively small matter of credit card rort and union funds allegations!

    The acting President of the HSU said yesterday on ABC TV, 9from Tasmania)- (paraphrasing) - "You can bet your life Craig Thomson is one of these four people". Yet we, who pay these politicians, are not even given a glimmer of insight into what allegations these 1100 pages contain, or against whom?

    Yet again, we are being told nothing - and kept in the dark. And taken for idiots. Are we are idiots. To put up with this scandalous farce of this devious Government propping-up even one day longer!

    We are being fed lies, guff and garbage by Ms. Gillard, her Government, and Fair Work's legal teams, I allege. All to keep HER and her cohorts in power - and delay an election which they all know would bring them down.

    Could someone tell me what it was Whitlam did which, by comparison, was WORSE than what is now being allegedly contrived at by Ms. Gillard and this allegedly rotten to the core poor imitation of a "caring" Government??

    With no allegations of any kind of impropriety or similar inferred in any aspect, with regard to the current Governor General, we must still ask - is HER relationship by marriage with Bill Shorten going to present any barrier or conflict of interest should this situation worsen, moreso downtrack should this situation deteriorate further and require the attention and even intervention of the Governor General on behalf of the Queen?

    We are being played for dummies by Ms. Gillard, who as of yesterday still proclaims her full support for Mr. Thomson.

    We're constantly being diverted by smoke screens and trivial red herrings and shallow TV news grabs. The public intellect now seemingly also so shallow - (Thanks to the scrouge of reality TV!) - so easily distracted - that sadly we're letting it happen - and then there are many who are happy to know it all, but entirely rusted on to anything Labor, no matter how bad, and therefore look the other way.

    A national disgrace. AND a tragedy for democracy.
    This poor excuse for a "Government."

    598 days of it still to go.
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