another 55 julia, page-2

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Malaysia exchanging assessments and we get 4000 already processed by them??

    Who assessed? To what standards? On what and whose basis?
    How scrupulous - or were we, as in the case of England in the late 1700's, just going to be the recipients of the offloading of the unwanted from Malaysia? Decided by Malaysia. ID's and character checks either loosely done, or not bothered with at all, or manipulated perhaps? For reasons of money? Religion? Their immigration bureacracy deciding OUR future outcomes?

    Just like the emptying of the prison hulks in English rivers and waterways straight after the American war of Independence - Australia becomes the area's unwanted "waste dump" for the unwanteds - as we were in during Transportation.

    How do we know that OUR required "immigrant" standards would be anywhere near attained, let alone toughly enforced by the any Asian systems - Malaysian or otherwise - so open to corruption. As is rife throughout Asia. For so many are economic immigrants = not "asylum seekers" at all. If they were this - they'd be thankful to stay in Malaysia. Relatively affluent and westernised - and in most cases the fostering the same religion.

    And so we lose absolute control - we'd get whatever people's they dictate - and not those who are necessarily acceptable to us. Or even whose ID's we can be sure about.
    We'd just have to take them - sight and characters unseen.
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