what a bunch of wally's

  1. 48 Posts.
    I cannot help but comment on some of the rubbish spoken here.
    Such negativity,why? If you don't want to invest in property, then don't, but what is the point of the majority of comments here? Just so you can one day maybe post "see I was right".
    I bet most of the negative people here took out car loans to buy a car. Even the most simple person knows the value of a car only ever goes down, immediatly you have lost money, probably most of you have the latest t.v and stainless steel fridge, psp's etc, all crap that will never make you money. In fact most of you probably have maxed out credit cards and live pay cheque to pay cheque.
    For you guys to knock investors is so ridiculous, have a look at where your money is going and see the returns on that.Let alone the diminishing capital growth guaranteed...with no tax relief either. Wake up to your selves, all that crap you are buying is sending that money staight back to china/japan etc.
    Why not stimulate the Australian economy? Build a house providing jobs to plumbers, brickies, tradies, bankers, accountants, etc even the land purchase goes back into your local council.
    None of you seem to realise if the economy goes belly up and house prices have this drastic fall you talk about, none of you will have jobs or money to capitilise on this any way and we are all buggered together. I may make money or lose money on property, but at least I am not just sitting on the side lines, I'm having a go. You people will always find a reason not to invest.
    Every thing goes in cycles and every record is made to be broken, I am sure in my life I will see more record high's and record lows in every investment. That's why you devirsify.
    Right now there is a RECORD $600 Billion siting in banks term deposits, as interest rates fall so will there investment return, so they will pull it out and begin to look for other investments-it may be shares, property, bonds, who knows? I don't have a crystal ball, but I do try to invest in many different things.
    I truly believe you should invest the maximum you can afford at the time. Debt does not scare me, I ensure I have the cashflow to support my debt and am happy to ride the peaks and troughs. Wealth creation is not an overnight event, it takes years, don't waste time trying to pick the tops and we all know Bottom picking is an unattractive trait.
    Hey whats the worst that can happen? I declare bankruptcy and I join all you folk that never invest and live pay cheque to pay cheque until I'm to worn out to work and earn any money and hope like hell my kids come and see me, alternativly I become successful, retire early, provide well for my wife and children and are able to help them invest and give them a head start in life and can afford to travel and see my kids where ever they may be in the world.
    My advise, get out there invest, stimulate our economy, live life on the edge a bit, create your own wealth, stop waiting for it to come to you, focus on the positives in life, be wise about your investments, if you get a negative vibe, don't invest in it, but for goodness sake move onto a posative investment, don't hang around dwelling on all the negative crap, just move on...
    And for goodness sake post on here with constructive comments, that mean something, don't just post here so one day you MIGHT be able to show someone some day "look what I wrote, I was right"
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