AUL 0.00% 28.5¢ austar gold limited

new thread needed - not long to go now guys, page-38

  1. 806 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 129
    No problem DB

    The wider markets, Euro issues, the month of May and our wonderful Labor Govt and their business inspired budget (not) have a lot of people cashing out at the moment.

    For mine, MNM fundamentals are better than ever and the management team are getting on with the job at hand. As I said, I don't worry about ST fluctuations.

    If the SP was north of 20c - we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    I predict that should my timelines be right, we should be 15-20c by August time and all these posts will be forgotten.

    Cheers K
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