carbon tax costello nails it, page-75

  1. 5,500 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "1.6% inflation
    (comment - high inflation seen as good due to a hot economy and Gillard et al shooting ours in the foot making us less competitive..."

    (again) the facts don't back your "theory".

    As I'm sure you know there are 2 components to inflation.
    Over the twelve months to the March quarter 2012, the tradables component fell 1.5% while the non-tradables component rose 3.6%

    So by your measure the govt is doing fine. It's the world (tradables) that is seeing deflation.

    "3.5% OCR (comment - set by RBA and nothing to do with good management of our economy just liquidity)"

    Fiscal settings add to and subtract from liquidity. You banker mates should be able to tell you that. You also may want to speak to your masters in Hockey and Abbott about your new "theory" as they don't agree with you.

    "AAA rated bonds
    (comment - becoming more and more irrelevant as times goes on that is an old failed model..."

    You can buy the junk bonds and I'll stick to AAA thanks all the same.

    "record investment
    (comment - blah blah - old investment wait to see the consequences of the ALP failed policies over the next 5 years and the negative impact that will leave us with "

    Like the RIO 5 Billion investment announced today? Or the 30 Billion from Shell? 900 Billion investment pipeline, 450 odd already committed. Doesn't seem to frightening many away. Our problem is more likely too much investment. Good theory though but again the facts don't support your argument.

    "Treasurer of the World (that is a sick joke that will be seen in years to come for what it is - might as well have bought that in a cornflakes packet)"

    KPI's tell the story. All through GFC 1 and 2. Stuff of legend.

    "YD there you go again putting down posters that do not agree with your rubbish "

    Oh I see, you can call my post rubbish but if I show facts that support a very well run economy you lecture me on denigrating someone. Pa lease.
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