and then there is this.?!, page-98

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    but but but....what do you believe is the real rate of inflation right now....
    do you believe it is the 3% fiddled figures, so they dont have to pay the pensioners, unemployed, public servants the true rises.....
    most wages and payments, have set rises, regularly, at the current CPI rates....

    so instead of using the true rate of around 10%....they fiddle the figures

    please tell me, how the 20-30% increase in energy costs imposed in Jan 2012, and the increases again in July..have reduced the CPI rate...
    or the rent increases, not affected the rate
    or food prices and petrol prices...(up 20 cents a litre) have been hidden

    oh is because the cost of tv's, mobile phones have come down.. as if people buy those items every week, like they buy their food, and pay for electricity

    the CPI is possibly the biggest con job is a world wide con job...
    did you know that for many years, they removed the cost of housing from the CPI figures
    that is the highest cost for most people...
    they have brought it back , but they have been able to fiddle it with adjustments stick to their fudged 3% figures

    the majority or average people, can tell you the real cost of living is in the stratosphere now...
    except for the big food retailers, have some milk and bread at $1.00, but hiked up the rest of their lines..
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