goodbye old australia , welcome pcville, page-12

  1. 2,458 Posts.

    In 1936 in Germany , Hitler commenced a process that named the Jews as the enemy of the German financial system , their culture and everything else to do with their day to day life .

    Wow, Hitler wasn't very thorough, he missed a few right in front of him.

    Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

    The Untold Story

    Every country"s possible enemies of the state during a war were interned and the populations were encouraged by the state to "dob" in these possible enemies.

    World War II

    During World War II, Australian authorities established internment camps for three reasons – to prevent residents from assisting Australia's enemies, to appease public opinion and to house overseas internees sent to Australia for the duration of the war.

    Internment camps in World War II

    It didn't help that the jews declared war on Germany in March 1933, just days after Hitler came to power, a full six years before the start of WWII.

    You need to do some research on the political and social atmosphere on the ground in Germany and surrounding countries post WWI to remotely understand why and how Hitler came to power.

    The communist movement was rife all around the world, including Australia England and the USA, but in Germany it was going ballistic, and anarchy was the norm on the streets.

    The communist movement during that period in Europe was being pushed by the Bolsheviks, most violently through Poland and the West Prussian colonies along the Danzig Corridor.

    The Bolshevik Revolution

    Up until 1939 Hitler pulled a nation from absolute dispair to become quite a power house, it's worth a read.

    How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy


    We all know what the outcome was , millions of jews , gypsies , homosexuals and even mentally handicapped people were exterminated.

    As to the war and the victor's history of extermination, well, that is still being debated and revised, but lets leave that for another thread.

    As to the rest of your comments on political correctness and dividing the population during peace time, I agree with you.
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