bom isa ustralia warming or is data false?, page-2

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 158
    did the bolt blog mention this

    "The raw temperature source of the ACORN-SAT dataset audited in this presentation includes 3,212,142 minimum and maximum Fahrenheit temperatures recorded at 138 weather stations before September 1972 and 3,306,309 minimum and maximum Celsius temperatures recorded at 195 weather stations from 1 September 1972 to 31 December 2011, totalling 6,518,451 temperature recordings."

    so 1000 errors in 6.5 million max min records

    let me spin it a different way

    "there is an error rate of 0.015%"
    "6,517,451 million corect records"

    Nah guess the old bolt on prefers to focus in on the massive 1000 records in error

    I truly dont know what is sadder, the clowns who pedal this crap as scientific analysis or the people that read it and believe that it is the key that unlocks the answers to the climate debate.

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