australia fails aborigines again

  1. 47,958 Posts.
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    The inadequacies of Australia's Constitution have been exposed again. As a relatively fair & inclusive society we should already have replaced the current piece of crap with one that truly reflects our history, geography, multi-cultural diversity & aspirations.

    Remaining subjugated to the British monarch under a fraudulent, colonial era document should revolt everyone who calls Australia 'home'.

    My heart goes out to Aborigines for whom our current flag is a constant reminder of the invasion that officially commenced on January 26, 1788.

    To quote from Chris Barret's article from today's The Age online, in reference to a comment from Tony Mundine;

    "... It takes a person with big balls to make a big stance like that. I've got his back, all day every day, because he's in the right. We want to be proud of a flag that we fly and the current Australian flag just doesn't sit well because of its dark history. ..."
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