rainfall percentages past 3 years, page-47

  1. 436 Posts.
    You're really going to make me do this aren't you?

    FROM 2010 - 2011


    scroll down about half way, under,
    "Providing Drought Assistance"

    "The 2010–11 expenditure on EC assistance to primary producers and small businesses of $393.5 million was lower than in 2009–10. This reflected the drop in the area of agricultural land that was Exceptional Circumstances-declared from 26.1 per cent in June 2010 to 0.3 per cent in June 2011."

    FROM 2009 - 2010


    "The 2009-10 expenditure on drought assistance of $562.58 million was lower than 2008-09, reflecting a drop in the percentage of EC-declared agricultural land from 55.9 per cent in June 2008 to 26.1 per cent in June 2010."

    FROM 2008 - 2009


    "approximately $449.5 million was paid in subsidies, compared to $717.3 million in 2007–08"


    "25 576 households (24 216 farm and 1360 small business households) received EC relief payments totalling $305.68 million, down from 29 405 and $393.94 million in 2007–08"

    FROM 2007 - 2008, this year was a doozy - over $1 BILLION in 12 months


    scroll about a third down. Under Exceptional Circumstances and Farm Household Support Act 1992

    "During 2007–08, there were 20,915 successful applications to 20 June 2008 (19,756 farm businesses and 1,159 small businesses), up from 14,198 in 2006–07. $695.9 million was spent in 2007–08, compared to $441.26 million in 2006–07."


    "During 2007–08, there were 46,893 successful EC Relief Payment applications (45,392 for farmers and 1501 for small businesses to 20 June) up from 26 312 in 2006–07. Payments totalled $395 million (2006–07: $259.89 million)."

    2006 - 2007


    "Combined EC expenditure during 2006–07 was $713.26 million, up from just under $397 million in 2005–06 (see Figure 9)."

    2005 - 2006

    Don't have the link (gotta download pdf - can't be bothered)

    from the previous line it has,
    $397 million

    Some quick arithmetic...

    6 financial years = $3.909 Billion

    aside from private health and private education please suggest another industry that's received this much in financial subsidy..

    I agree - an apology IS in order
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