alan jones frozen out, page-3

  1. 47,945 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    I'm not the issue at all!

    The opportunistic, self-serving and ridiculous choices that Tony Abbott has made and is continuing to make are his own! He should be politically nailed to the wall for them!

    I've often noted the marked constrast between Malcolm Tunrbull and Tony Abbott: Turnbull the successful business operator, smooth public performer and visionary versus Abbott the visionless, relentless attack dog kept on a tight leash by his media advisers.

    So where do I stand? Please give me a big picture vision for our future; what changes will be made to deliver on that vision and the strategic plan to achieve it. Simple really!

    That's why I keep seeing the faults and failures in Tony Abbott; the man who has used 3 years as Opposition leader to denigrate the political debate and parliamentary standards in this country while comprehensively failing to explain a vision for our future and to detail how that will be achieved.
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