LYC 1.66% $6.52 lynas rare earths limited

oct 10 court hearing / twitter feed, page-121

  1. 1,989 Posts.

    Stv ZongLiang
    the hearing is still going on. Pls b extra patient.
    32 minutes ago via mobile

    Chon Yan

    Wen Zhongzheng newsletter: SMSL hired a world renowned environmental inspection authority consultants Oeko Kuantan Lynas Institution research proposals.

    It specialist (intermediate) a proposal that read Lynas, there is no direct criticism Lynas in the construction plan built according to international regulations. Experts cite a few examples, (1) it is a company involved in production of radioactive waste, there is no establishment in a place so close to residential areas. (2) the Lynas waste management plan a plan cannot be said at all, because too many uncertain place. The plan did not list a waste treatment plan. (3) from Lynas ' plan, it's obvious to see, is what Lynas himself does not know how the permanent disposal of the waste.

    (4) report showed, Lynas did not do anything to prevent leakage of radiation facilities, did not cite any programmes to cope with "in case of" radiation leak accident. The experts said that, to output a production operation so harmful elements Thorium and Uranium extraction plant, has submitted such a proposal that does not detail, can be described as very ridiculous. (Translated by Bing)

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