campaign of smear boils down to nothing: pm , page-35

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    They (Ms. Gillard and Mr. Bruce Wilson) would have colluded, I allege - panicked now, I allege - (He supposedly the love of her life, then) - as to what had really gone on - allegedly, perhaps, a few recent late night very private conversations, I allege, may be the scenario - "I'll say you did nothing if you say I did nothing" which then, "because they're all stupid out there" (or is it we can relax as certain "friends" unnamed have ensured (allegedly) right people know but say nothing - OF COURSE they WOULD say that! (Anyone imagine he's do her in - because if so, she'd take him "in" with her!") And short order cook at an RSL is better than a cell, which, if allegations proven and charges laid and proven, may have been a possible outcome. Perhaps for both, allegedly.

    After all, "She" already lied - saying she broke "it" off with Wilson "immediately" she knew he'd been involved in this massive fraud. (Yet they were co-habiting lovers, allegedly from 1991 to 1995.)

    Actually an alleged blatant lie, as history dredged up by Pickering alleges the two of them took off for a week at the Healeseville hotel when it all blew up in their faces - yep, Healesville, a small quiet rurual town backwater, a favorite haunt of theirs, where they licked their wounds for a week, worked things out, allegedly, and he took off back to his wife and kids back in Perth, and she went into a six months unrecorded on CV, unemployed limbo - NEVER ever bothering to renew her legal practice licence. WHY - if she's just resigned - did she let this lapse, never to try to renew it? LAw Insistutue questions perhaps - engendered by some at Slater and Gordon who had just heard of the fraud? (1995).

    Too long ago - whines the PM. Smear and innuendo. She wasn't so fussed about the passage of time though, when people started "clearly" recalling that Abbott punched some Uni room wall 35 years ago! Which witnesses who were there said he did not. SO 35 years is OK when it comes to smearing Abbott, MS. Gillard, but for you and YOUR mates, re. the AWU fraud, you all cannot recall period 1993 to 1995 - it's too hard to for you, then a senior professional and a law Partner - one actually directly involved in the whole two year legal process - your signature often evident - YOU cannot recall? Hypocrite.

    I ran a court case of my own from 1989 to 1997 - I phoned my (now retired from practising) lawyer the other day - and he remembered me, and the events of my case details, immediately. Mine a much smaller scale by far than this current AWU outrage! Had I asked, I know he would have recalled all the details. MY pile of files is three feet high - still have them! He handed them over at the conclusion of his practice. The files are detailed and precise. Ultra professional!

    One would think if she was all "outraged and wronged", she would not only have kept her licence active, she would also have appealed to the Law Institute for restitution of her job. It's said she resigned - but seems she was pushed.

    After all, Slater and Gordon are the Aussie KINGS of pursuing unfair dismissals. And there were always her mates over at Maurice and Blackburn to aid her in such indignation - why, the then lovers, Nicola Roxon and Bill Shorten. The Nicola Roxon whom, it's now alleged, may have been given "THAT" missing file, for "safekeeping".

    For the story there was NO file is dead wrong - Gillard has contradicted herself - admitted earlier on in this unfolding scandal that yes, there had been one - but later saying it now must have been MISLAID!

    Pull the other one, Ms. Gillard! Not ALL of us are drop dead stupid out here - but sadly, a large percentage seem to be. The current NAtioanl Press Gallery amongst them. Hardly one of them game to get off their lazy, Labor luvvie backsides and actually chase and REVEAL! And they never will. They have a cause to promote - and, sad for Australia, it's seeing Labor promoted come what may, no matter how ghastly the prospect of them retaining power, now.

    Not a true patriot amongst the lot of them! Sycophantic Labor toadies.

    The story's THERE - right under their left-wing noses. They, for agendas best known to them, choose to ignore it - or giggle, laugh it off (Hugh Rimington this morning doing just that beaming at Nicola Roxon) - he a HUGE and sickenly dim Labor sycophant) - and others!) and say - "she did nothing wrong!"

    If this was a similar huge scandal clouding the Abbott reputation, the headlines would be one foot high! The TV news rooms hysterical in their screaming!

    This is not the Australia I used to know and love. Or is it just that I'm too naive - and it was always THUS!

    Journalists not worth a crumpet. NO Guts - No courage - and nil personal morality or integrity evident in their (always) hugely biased to Labor apologist freelock-tugging spiels.

    And THAT'S exactly HOW "she's" getting away with this, her perpetual weaves and dodges.

    Bring back Rudd - why? when he was just as bad - colluded with "her" in these mad policies - dismantled the pacific Solution to the point of now wrecking our national finances and our social structures - and could, now, be worse. Ego even huger - spare us that, Lord!

    Journalists NOW also culpable - for they, allegedly, aid and abet this ongoing and now seemingly deliberate atmosphere which cultivates the current circumstance of the promotion of absolute bald faced lies!

    And then there's Windsor and Oakeshott! Worse cannot describe what I, and many, I know, feel about these two. Who must take total responsibility for their initial decision - one born out of sheer political hatreds and revenge.

    We now all suffer. SO does Australia.
    And Deb O'Neill has the huge gall to be seen daily in Parliament sitting at the back of Gillard, nodding her head obediently, glaring at Abbott and Co, and constantly mouthing "shame!" every few minutes.

    I suggest she's in for a very rude awakening. If not now, as with many Labor back benchers - at the ballot boxes. Not long now.

    The "I know nothing" position now assumed by Roxon and Shorten (whom, it's alleged, is now positioning for the role of Deputy PM when Gillard goes) is fairy story stuff.
    They were Gillard close mates - and they worked over at the other heavy Left Wing "place," Maurice and Blackburn.

    NO cosy foursome drinks or dinners? Gillard, Wilson, Roxon, and Shorten - two loving couples - all in the same line of work then - all down the road - all good friends and jolly good company?

    God they think we're stupid. And judging by the polls, we all, most of us, most probably ARE!

    A major question which should be being asked here is - just HOW MANY lies, and alleged further lies around allegations yet to be proven, are the public prepared to tolerate with regard to the conduct and moral character and spiritual strength of this woman, our 27th Australian Prime Minister?

    For the political standards in this country are now so rock-bottom low, thanks mostly to the Rudd and Gillard and their minions and the Windsor and Oakeshott fatal combo, that it's doubtful they'll ever recover. Ever.
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