nra have the answer to guns and schools , page-33

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Well more likely this recent school massacre is probably more a matter of powerful and unpredictable pychotropic medication in a young developing brain that has been over-stimulated and trained by daily sessions of ulta-violent "shoot-to-kill-as-many-as-you-can" video games, who was living in a house with no father...

    The poor kid had everything against him and additionally his mother was criminally irresponsible with the the guns she kept in the house by not keeping the guns and ammuntion locked in a safe...

    With these poor drug-addled kids, any minor altercation with a stressed out single mother could have caused the kid to snap and revert to the daily intensive "shoot-to-kill" training he has received from the video-games especially if the guns we left easily assessable to anyone...

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